Game-If you could adopt any Disney character permanently who would it be and why?


Always dreaming of Disney
May 29, 2008
Choose any Disney character(s) that you would like to have as a permanent addition to your family, and explain why you chose them. I will go first:

Kronk- Because having a big strong man that's easy to boss around and can cook is a rare find!
Mine would have to be Scrooge McDuck cause with all that money I could go to Disney World as often as I wanted!!! :cool1:
Wow..only 1? Very tough...
In the running would be TinkerBell, cause she's so feisty - Mulan cause she totally rocks and my daughter is from China, Jack Sparrow because..well...he's Jack Sparrow...but in the end..I have to go with the's Mickey all the way for me...cause without Mickey, there is no DisneyWorld!
I would adopt Mary Poppins. Simply because I hate to clean my apartment. All she would have to do is snap, and the apt would clean itself in no time hardly. Her magical handbag would also be very useful (the one which held the tall lamp, umbrella, picture frame, etc.) I could really open up a lot of closet & storage space by using that bag. She also seems pretty cool to hang with. We could have random outings through chalk drawings, and laughing parties on the ceiling. Can life get any better? I submit it cannot.
ummm...let me think....i guess it would be chip and really cant have one without the other...right? they are so cute and mischeivious.
The cheshire cat!
1 - I love cats
2 - he can talk
3 - he's absolutely MAD, so he'd fit into my family purrfectly. :rotfl:


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