Gay Day activities-will it affect my family and small children

nalley clan

Earning My Ears
Feb 18, 2002
:confused: Hi everyone,
I am new to the site and do not want to offend anyone, but I was wondering if anyone has ever been at WDW during the Gay Day Weekend and can tell me if my children might be exposed to anything I am not ready to explain to a 4, 5 and 9 year old.

Nalley Clan Mom
We have been to WDW twice during Gay Day. For the most part, your children will not notice anything at all. The first time we went during Gay Day, our children were 7. They did not notice anything. The second time, they were 10. They did notice this time. There were a few couples who insisted on "making out" in the MK. They just wanted to know what was going on. We did have to do a little explaining. Other than that (thas was Sat. in the MK), everything was great. I might try to avoid the MK on Sat. (I think, but am not sure, that they have activities planned at certain parks on certain days.) Have fun!!
there is a gay days site that has their schedule posted. I would just avoid the parks that they have scheduled for each day. The crowds would bohter me more than the "contact". Just avoid DD/Pleasure island in the evening. has their schedule posted. Except for Saturday at the MK, no problems. I would try to avoid crowds using their schedule and avoid MK on Saturday.
I can't believe that. People sexual preference should remain in the bedroom. I can't believe Disney is okay with this but when my two year old got sick and I took his shirt off a staff member told me I had to put another shirt on him right away but making out is ok?
I feel that hand-holding, hugging or quick kisses are fine, but advanced "necking" in a public place is just rude. Whether your partner is a man, a woman, or a space alien does not change the rules of courtesy and respect for other park guests.
First of all this is not a Disney sponsered event. Its basically a group pf people who organize a trip and all come at the same time, sounds like a family vacation doesn't it? I can't believe that in this day and age you haven't spoken to your children about homosexuality. For the person that said making out is ok, there is a big difference between a kiss and making out. I won't even tell you what happens on the Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, and Spaceship earth. I am a cast member at Magic Kingdom and I can tell you that during that weekend is no differentthan any other except for lots of red shirts. Disney has also taken a step for those of you who are homophobic and wearing a red shirt, to offer a nuetral colered shirt for you to wear.
If you say sexual preference belongs in the bedroom, than I don't want to see any wives kissing their husbands and vice versa.
For the most part your kids are going to be so caught up in Disney they won't notice and if they do, take it as a learning oppurtunity for you both. Wouldn't you rather tell your kids about it than have them learn t off the street?
Originally posted by Perla Mouse
I can't believe that in this day and age you haven't spoken to your children about homosexuality

This is the reason people are often afraid to ask "sticky" questions. They get everything from the attitude that you are no longer allowed to express your personal beliefs or values (unless they are politically correct) or told how to raise their children.

I expect to be flamed for this, but the question was asked as simply and as unjudgmental as the poster knew how to make it. It is a valid question. She does her best to raise her children as she sees fit, and has a concern about what her children will see.

In my opinion, if you are nervous about the situation, perhaps you would be more comfortable vacationing on different dates. I think perhaps you might be hyper-sensitive (based on your concern for your children) to things you kids might not even notice.
When all else fails :

Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
My brother is gay, so my kids have been "exposed" all their life. The only thing we did on our June 200 trip, was to avoid the official park of the day. We just want to avoid the crowds. We had no problem and are going back this June.:D
We went to Disneyland last October during the Unofficial Gay Days there and I must say that it was a rather nice experience. The crowds weren't too bad and seemed to be a lot nicer. There was no particular couples that went out of their way to show they were gay. We saw alot of groups hanging out together and having a really great time like any other day at Disneyland. My 4 year never asked once about 2 men being together and we sat with several groups for parades and such. I think it is all in how the parents handle it! If you don't act different (and why should you) then the child won't either. Just my 2 cents :)
Just a friendly reminder: This thread will NOT turn into a debate on the gay lifestyle, nor will it turn into any bashing of fellow posters. Nelly Clan Mom asked for some information about Gay Days. That is we will give her. And we will not hand out judgements or criticisms to our fellow DISers.

Thank you!

I posted this about one year ago or so, my mom and I were staying at BW for a few days at the end of May, beginning of June of 2000. (My husband was with my dad on a golf trip in Myrtle Beach-the nerve) anyway, while at the pool one day at the BW, some parents were getting a little upset because three young males (maybe early 20's) where "frolicking" around in the pool together, not outrightly being intimate but being very touchy-touchy with each other. Some fellow DVC'rs I was talking to said they were uncomfortable because their boys were asking questions on why they were acting that way and the parents with good reason, just weren't ready to explain this to them on their vacation (their boys were fairly young). I think they would have felt uncomfortable if it was two girls and a guy or vice versa. Normally you only see two people acting this way together. I'm not saying they had their little threesome going because of their sexual orientation, but it did make it that much more obvious. At MGM that same day I did notice a lot of red t-shirts but no other overt behavior. And other than what looked like about a 65 year old man dressed in a Minnie Mouse hat and polka dot pink shirt and another younger guy dressed in very short red satin shorts and a red sailor hat, that was about the most that stood out in the crowds that day.
If you are uncomfortable with the week don't go. Simple as that. They have as much right to be there as you do.
It is not a Disney sponsored event so any comment about Disney allowing it is inappropriate. It is the same as allowing a group of Democrats, Boy Scouts or for that matter DIS to go to Disney.
And for any activity that might be going on at the pools at the resorts. It goes on year round with same sex and different sex couples. If you are offended leave the pool area and find an alternative activity.
We have gone the last 3 Gay Days and have not had any problems. On each of these trips we have specnt some time at MK on Sat. I usually go to AK on Sat since I am hard of hearing and use the interpreters to enjoy the shows but my kids wanted to go to MK so I joined for part if the day. Great time.
Lisa I'm assuming you're remark about if something that is going on at a pool is offending someone then they should leave was directed towards me since I posted about the goings on at the pool, if you didn't I apologize. I don't think I ever said I felt uncomfortable but let me go re-read what I wrote...I'm back and as I thought, I didn't say it was making me uncomfortable, though it was something that I would have rather not seen, I'd have felt the same way if it were a one on one heterosexual couple-I'm not talking just a little affectionate nuzzling, I'm not a prude - so I chose to ignore them but I wasn't about to leave just for that. Though when you say that if someone is offended by something then they should be the ones to leave, what behavior should the line be drawn at and who makes that decision? I guess the world has gotten so politically correct these days that people can do what they want but its the other peoples problem? I was at a movie theater once where this teenage couple was sitting in the middle of the theather with people all around them "making out" it got so bad that people behind them couldn't see the movie because she had climbed up onto the guy's lap, it was making the people around them so uncomfortable that they did get up and move, this went on for two hours straight. I feel they should have been the ones to move, at least to the corner of the theater if they were going to act that way, but I guess because they were oblivious or didn't care then it was only the problem of the other people that paid money to actually watch the movie. Sorry in advance to the moderators for getting off topic.
Interesting how this gets so many people going! :) I think it was a simple enough question. OP, I think you need to keep in mind that the public show of affection is very possible. Between opposite sexes AND same sexes. Probably more so on that weekend with the same sexes simply because of the event. I think for the most part ALL people try to behave appropriately in a family oriented public place. Unfortunately there will always be a few who see nothing wrong with behavior that can only be explained as "heavy petting"! :rolleyes: Just like there will always be the mother who feels she should breast feed at a picnic table rather than using a baby station. And lest we bring up the attire worn by some people which seems so far from what we may consider appropriate.

There's a good chance you'll have to explain a WHOLE LOTTA things after a trip to Disney World. *LOL* Just try to take it in stride. And SO many times I've found with my 7 year old that a simple explanation is fine--she rarely needs details or further information. Hopefully if presented with the questions, you'll find the same to be true with your kids.

Enjoy your trip!
I'm sorry in advance for this "off topic" post, but I couldnt let the comment equating breast feeding with heavy petting in public pass. Breastfeeding is not a sexual act. There is no need for women to hide in bathrooms or baby stations in order to feed their children. If adults act as though a woman feeding her baby is natural and normal(as it is), then their children will follow suit.

Heavy petting in a public place is inappropriate and may be upsetting to children, but I have a hard time believing that this is more likely to occur in WDW on Gay Day Weekend than it is on any other weekend. The sight of a same sex couple enjoying a day in the parks is unlikely to appear remarkable to young children unless you the parent make an issue of it.
I have to agree with docwkids o nthe breastfeeding issue. At least the poster didn't compare breastfeeding and urinating in public which had happened a few times here. Mothers should not feel they need to hide while they are feeding their kids.
Getting back to the original question, if you look at the schedule for gay events on the site given above, you can generally avoid any issues by going to different parks on the days designated for gay gatherings. A lot simply has to do with what you are used to. When we went the first week of June a few years ago we were not aware there was a gay week there at that time, and came away not even noticing there had been one. However, we live in a large city where we and our kids see gays a lot and even know some well (our next door neighbors are gay) and thus there is really no issue. Others may be impacted differently.


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