Got our passports in just 3 weeks!

We got our passports last year before the prices went up. However, we didn't go to the Post Office to apply for our passports. There is a local community service center near our home that had convenient hours, not to mention no lines! The woman who processed our applications told us that when someone pays for expedited service, and that because it is a flat overnight fee, they include all applications received that day. So basically we got expedited service for free.
We also got ours in 2 weeks. We didn't take the expidited delivery either. I was rather surprised.:) I just went to our local courthouse to fill out the applications. Quick and easy.
I posted this on the other thread as well, we sent away for them on 4/21 and received them 5/7!!!! We applied at the post office and I saw the employee put them in an overnight envelope with a bunch of other applications, so that theory does make sense. He urged us to pay for expedited service but I declined...I was not worried if they did not get back in time for our cruise because I had BC's...glad I did not pay that extra money!!!

When we applied for my DD's passport we went the County Clerks office and sent them away on 3/7...they arrived on 4/7.

A side note....two of the passports (from the post office) came back from the Boston Passport Agency and, the one applied for at County Clerks office came back from National Passport Center.

I would recommend at all costs anyone seek out the alternates to the US post office passport application centers.

There are many other places (courthouses, etc) who do a far more efficicient job.

PS, I worked with the State dept for eight years.
We jsut sent off for our passports last week. We applied at our local clerk of court's office. We did not pay for expidited service but the guy in there told us that we should receive them in 4 weeks. That gives us plenty of time. Besides I still have BCs if we don't get them. :)
Here in Colorado we went to our PO and applied for our passports. They told us we would have them by May 27, but they arrived a week later, which was back in April. We did not purchase expedited service, either. I guess they were just really efficient.
Can I turn the paperwork for all members of my family? Where do you pick up the forms? I'll see my college-aged sons this weekend & could have them sign the forms - then I could do the rest. I'm still uncertain whether they even need them. I have their BCs (with the raised seal) & they have their California drivers licenses. DH's passport is expired - not sure if he even wants to renew it. Just not sure how important it is to have them.
I do not believe they actully need them for carribean travel, but it is easier.

In the post 9-11 world, better to9 use passports then, not (they speed re-entry to this country more than anything)

Check the passport web site to see if they need to be present. Follow the rules scrupuliously or they will be rejected.

bon voyage
The passport application clearly states that each person must sign it in the presence of the authority that you turn the application in to. DH and I applied for ours at our local post office simply because they took the pics there as well and we're from a small town where no one else did that.

We didn't get one for 15 yo DS because we have his bc and he'll be with us.
Thanks - "Momma" - my kids can do it - just thought since I have more time right now (they have 2 more weeks of classes - then finals). But I see that the PO in their town does this - & they should be able to get passport photos easily. It sounds like it's about 50/50 for getting a passport! (kinda like men wearing a jacket to dinner on the 3-night cruise! do ya really need to?!)
Originally posted by minniecarousel
....But I see that the PO in their town does this - & they should be able to get passport photos easily....

If you belong to AAA, check out their fees for passport pictures. They are a lot cheaper than the post office or other passport photo places. HTH
This is timely! I just got home from AAA 30 minutes ago where I got my passport photos. They charged me $8.00 plus tax (in California). I didn't check other places but I'm sure they are higher.
My PO in Colorado told us to go to Costco, which we did. They did our photos in about 10 min. for $5.00 each.
You would think that a Federal Agency like the U.S. Post Office would be uniform in their charges for Passport only paid $5.00 each......we paid $15 each....that is crazy.

We were pressed for time so we just had it done there before I even checked the price. The county clerks office was $10.



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