Graduation 2020 December PTR - Updated 11/26

So, we've been procrastinating with paying of the trip, not exactly sure why but we have. THEN the new promotion came out a few days ago for Disney Visa card members and I was able to apply that to our current reservation ... it saved us $300+!!! So we finally paid it off and I'm so glad we procrastinated. Now we just need to figure out what magic bands to order. lol

The bed is about 90% done and we're pretty excited! Here are the newest photos:
(all photos are taken from the back of the car looking towards the front)


Frame is set in the back of my car.
The passenger seats fold all the way flat.
Please ignore the mess that he forgot to clear away lol


Plywood set on top of the frame.
As you see, the plywood is in three sections with hinges so we can actually get the plywood into the car.
This is what we will be sleeping on top once we have padding down (we haven't figured out what padding of ours to use yet)


The structure under the platform.
Lots of storage space for luggage


Removal of cross brace so we can put luggage under the bed.
The slats are just set into place, no screws or nails for easy dis/assembly

Still working on the order in which to tackle the rides in the parks and have yet to get on the masks because another project popped up that is non trip related I need to take care of first.

I should have more updates at the end of Sunday :)
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Oh you've been!? Okay what do you like about it so much? Any recommendations?
OK luckily I saw this and there's still time lol. You have to try their ribs. I'm not a ribs girl but these are absolutely amazing!
HEN the new promotion came out a few days ago for Disney Visa card members and I was able to apply that to our current reservation ... it saved us $300+!!!
That was a really good promotion and save people a good deal! Hope you figured out your touring plan a bit by now. Our trips in July and Sept we kind of just went where we wanted to because crowds were low; our trip in 3 days we'll have 2 of our kids so we'll definitely hit their favorites and I'm making them get up early lol because Thanksgiving crowds :earsboy:
The bed is done! BUUUUTTT we forgot to take photos because we got distracted by our snowflake lights weren't working and Rich had to fix them :) I don't think these lights are made anymore and I love them so much. He got them working though!
Still no masks, having issues printing out the pattern for some reason. I also had to make some holiday cards to send in a pen pal type thing and I needed to get them done soon so while the light debacle was going on, I got to play with my Cricut the whole time lol

Finally have some suitcases out with us tossing stuff we need to pack in them as we find items. We figured out our food list for the road trip. We figured that we will just have bagel and cream cheese for breakfast in the mornings during the road trip and while at Disney but we will have them with coffee (Rich) and tea (me) since we'll have access to a coffee maker.

If anyone has some ideas of a simple protein we can eat for breakfasts in the morning, please feel free to share :)

OK luckily I saw this and there's still time lol. You have to try their ribs. I'm not a ribs girl but these are absolutely amazing!

That was a really good promotion and save people a good deal! Hope you figured out your touring plan a bit by now. Our trips in July and Sept we kind of just went where we wanted to because crowds were low; our trip in 3 days we'll have 2 of our kids so we'll definitely hit their favorites and I'm making them get up early lol because Thanksgiving crowds :earsboy:

Glad you saw this in time! I won't be able to eat the ribs (can't eat mammal meat) but I will definitely recommend it to Rich on your behalf :)

Yes it was a great deal! Mostly have a good idea but will probably have to wing it a bit. I don't like winging too much, a little is okay, but too much makes me uncomfortable (I miss fastpasses!). Oooooh I really hope you give a review about your trip, I'd love to know how yours went with kiddos!
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The Car Bed is DONE! Fully functional :) I think Rich will be attaching some fabric type handles to better lift the boards when folding but it's still fully functional without them.
On the third fold out piece there are legs on hinges that fold out for support since that flap (where our heads will be) goes over the floor in the space created when we fully push the seats forward. That area doesn't have the frame since we need that space to sit in the seats when driving. I don't have a picture of this right now but they work!

As you browse the couple photos of the finished bed (no blankets or sheets yet though), please note that Rich is 6'4" and I am 5'6".


Us testing out the finished bed


Looking towards the back of my car.
The camera is farther back then where our heads will rest


Hatch open, looking towards the front with Rich modeling the bed.
I shut the hatch and had him lay out to where he fits, then opened the hatch for this photo, that's why his feet look funny, that is as far as his feet can go :)


A better angle so you can see the length.


Here are the layers of the bed!
1) Plywood base
2) Thin yoga mats (pink & green)
3) Outdoor chair cushions (red with black/white stripe)
4) Mattress foam topper (white)

It is pretty dang cozy. I am NOT graceful getting in and out of it though. I would say that the length feels a bit like a double size bed and the width is just a bit bigger, but not a queen size. Now I need to work on some privacy curtains/shades/something for the windows. My back windows are tinted pretty well but the sun or street lamps could shine in and we don't want people staring at us while sleeping.

Our Magic Band stickers came in yesterday!! I am a bit disappointed with the lack of holiday bands available this year so I designed some on my own! There is a custom sticker website that I was able to upload photos to and this is what I made:


Mine - Holiday Snacks circa 2019
Rich - Holiday Cars!
We have some extra Magic bands we can stick these on. We also ordered some other bands through our reservation but they weren't holiday themed.

I have finally started on the masks! All are cut with the front curve stitched together for the outer fabric and lining pieces. One is almost finished but I will need to go to the store tomorrow to get something for the ties. I don't use the elastic (it can get over stretched) and I don't like them looping over the ears, so I have string/fabric that goes around the back of the head and upper neck. It takes FOREVER to make those ties out of fabric so I'm hoping to find something at Joann's that will save me that time.
No photos of the masks just yet but I should have them done by Thursday (hopefully).

Tomorrow, Wednesday, Rich will be taking my car to his work to look over my car and make sure it's in full working order and is safe for the trip.

I also just took a look at the weather and I'm not too happy to see that Monday has rain :( Hopefully just little showers. We have ponchos but, you know, no rain is more appreciated when at the World.

Uhmmm I believe that is it for this update. Just a few more days left ...
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Happy Thanksgiving!


Our humble Thanksgiving for 2

Today was a pretty productive day! Before I made our meal (homemade mashed potatoes!), I completed a lot of things on my To-Do list, plus some that I didn't have listed ....


Finished all the masks!
Top 2 are mine, bottom two are Rich's
I ended up doing another one for Rich because the elastic wore out on one of his original masks I made. I didn't have time to make the strap things so I bought trim from a craft store. I was told that they way we wear our masks is a 'Nurse's strap', where one half loops around the neck and another loop around the back of the head. The ends of the trim very much needed clasps to keep them from fraying and since the clasps have a loop at the end, I had to add some extra bling! I found a holiday bracelet for 70% off and used the little charms from it.
Elsa Blue Mask: little iridescent spheres
Frozen White Mask: silver snowflakes
Red Truck Mask: small fake pearls
Star Wars Mask: silver spheres but not flat, more like has flat parts on it, like a disco ball but no mirrors. I call them his little Death Stars lol

Then I worked on a project that I realized I hadn't written down: shades for the windows in the car:


One side is sprayed with glue then fabric put over so it's nicer than plain cardboard


Mochi was curious ...
It took me a bit to trace the cardboard and cut it. I didn't have a box cutter at the time and the kitchen shears hurt my thumb BUT I got the smaller ones cut out. When Rich got home after doing a job, he had a box cutter and cut out the bigger windows. The plan is to just wedge them into the window area and that will keep out light and peering eyes. Since I have a hatchback, there is a big window in the back and instead of cardboard (there isn't a way to wedge anything) I will be just hanging the fabric using magnets OR suction cups, whichever works, starting with magnets first.

Oh, also got some packing done and called up Disney to request a king bed/fix dining party. We are watching a The Santa Clause, one of our Disney movie countdowns, right now and then plan on decorating the tree ... and hopefully a bit more packing. Tomorrow is a little bit of shopping (really good deal at PetSmart on cat litter and need some grocery items that were not available on Wednesday), then finishing up those window shades, meal prepping for the road trip, dropping Mochi off at boarding, and packing up the car.

Whew! Last update will probably be on the road since we will be leaving EARLY on Saturday :)
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Back! The trip was ... interesting. The bed worked very well! We successfully brought back a Mickey Balloon and a Santa Mickey caramel apple :)

I have found that I'm a bit behind my holiday schedule for cards, baking, presents, and such, so I will most likely not be turning this into a Trip Report until after the holidays are over.

Until then, I hope everyone has healthy and happy holidays!


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