Hands up.....

........ have a great time Tracey - how many of the final ten are in this show?
Tracey have a fantastic time at the show. However I will not be going as I am SICK of seeing both Gareth and Will every 30 seconds on TV and in the papers. They are both incredibly boring and false to me. :) I know they "currently" have loads of fans and thats fine but I for one am bored already.

Enjoy the show though...tell us what they are like Live.
Hope you have a great time!

I'm not going, but I'd like to see <i>some</i> of the final ten - not sure that I'd appreciate <i>all</i> of them for the whole evening ;)

Hope you'll tell us what you thought.
I'm going on Wed 27th March and I cannot wait:D :D :D :D :D

Bring on Darius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
We went last night to Sheffield, had a great time my ears are still ringing. The girls from work want to go again tonight!

The response for Gareth and Will was amazing.

Can you give my mam some reasurrance that she won't be th e only 'oldie' there ? I've told her that when I went to see Steps at Christmas time there were more mums & dads there than teenyboppers but she won't believe me !!
Hi Tracey

Our party ranged from 11 years old, right up to a grandmother of an 8 year old, me being 40ish!, and all had a great time. There was not that many really young children like at the Steps concerts.

I don't know how much you know about the concert, I don't want to spoil it for you, but there is something for everyone.

You obviously enjoyed the TV series, I am sure you will love it, we all thought it was very well done and extremely entertaining. We would all go again!

Have a great time, let me know how you go on.



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