Has the Impact of Katrina harmed any of our DVC'rs?


DIS Veteran
Sep 8, 2000
Prayeres go out to those DVC'rs and Dis members that have lost their homes. Does anyone here know of any in particular? :grouphug:
NJmouse said:
Prayeres go out to those DVC'rs and Dis members that have lost their homes. Does anyone here know of any in particular? :grouphug:

One of our regulars in the "Nothing Thread", Tooneirc, has been located (via another member) and he and his family are well but have no idea of the condition of their house. The area where he lived is supposed to be heavily flooded though, so we are sending Tooneric our prayers, thoughts and best wishes that somehow his home was spared. :wizard:

I do know that Lulu is also from the N.O. area. Hopefully soon someone will hear from her. :guilty: I hope she evacuated as Tooneric did and that her family is all safe!

I certainly hope for the best for Tooneric and the rest of the DVCers in those affected areas.

We've all been through natural disasters of one sort or another, but until you have been through one which destroys entire communities, rather than neighborhoods, you really don't have any idea what the people of coastal Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida are facing. Hurricane Andrew struck a relatively sparsely-populated area of South Florida 13 years ago (almost to the day), and that area has still not fully recovered.

I can tell you, as a person who has been deeply involved in disaster planning, and intimately involved with the recovery effort from Hurricane Andrew, the people on the Gulf Coast are facing a MUCH worse situation than we ever faced in the darkest hours after Hurricane Andrew.

We certainly need to keep those folks in our thoughts and prayers
I am praying for everyone, including the rescue workers. I just heard that our CG left this afternoon to help out. I know that these guys pratice all the time as they fly over my house ( I am in the flight path of AC airport). If they are low enough and I am outside I wave to them. Prayers go out to everyone, everywhere for they might be a relative of someone, somewhere in the diaster area.


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