hospitals are in a real hurry these days aren't they?

Briar Rose 7457

Proud of my Princesses
Apr 9, 2002
my sister had her surgery at around 7:30 this morning. she was back in her room by 10:00 and they discharged her at 2:00 and sent her home!

the surgery went well -- now she'll have to do the hard part -- stay home and let it heal.
Glad to hear that the procedure went so well for her;) ;) ;) .

Trust me, hospitals are DANGEROUS places to be!!!!!:( I know,......I've spent my life in them for almost 20 years. We call it "drive-through" surgery:) :) but actually she's SAFER being back at home!!!!!!
A couple of years ago, I also had this surgery. I was at least allowed ONE night in the hospital afterwards, but the Ortho Chief Resident tried to talk me out of that . . .

I had my surgery at 8 am. Was in Recovery by 11 am, and to the floor by noon.

At 5 pm, as I was still hitting the morphine on my PCA (Patient Controlled Anesthesia), the chief resident comes in and says, "I hear you want to go home tonight . . ."

WHAT??? NO WAY!! I was told I could stay one night, and I'M GONNA BE SURE AND GET THAT!!!

Hope your sis does well, Briar Rose . . .
Our health care system needs to change.
After hearing the report on hospital aquired infections this week on the nightly news, you should be glad she is going home!
I'm glad to hear her surgery went well :) , but that sounds like she was released awfully fast.:rolleyes:

I hope she has as quick a recovery at home.;)
I couldn't believe how fast they sent me home after my last surgery. It was a quick procedure, but they didn't even let me lie down long enough for the anesthesia to stop making me want to throw up. They wheeled me to the OR at 8:00 am, and when I looked at the clock in our car on the way home, it was 9:15. My dh had to dress me because I couldn't do it, and I <i>needed</i> that wheelchair because I never could have walked out on my own.
I'm glad she was well enough to go home. Hope her recovery is easy, quick and painless :)
Sure hope you sister feels better soon, Briar Rose.

I took everyone of the four days they allowed me after my surgery. They would've had to prise me outta that hospital bed with a crowbar, any sooner!
she's home and doing ok. she says that her doctor told her tomorrow will be awful, that she'll feel like someone hit her in the back with a baseball bat, but by the day after that she'll be ok. no driving her car for the next two weeks -- which will make her absolutely nuts.

and her throat's still sore from the breathing tube, so all she wants to eat is soup.
Ok - I think I have to stop reading theses posts, between the burned out nurses and the rush home surgical procedures and all of the hospital infections that were reported (some in children's hospitals) I am really getting nervous about my son's upcoming open heart surgery. They tell me he will be home in 5 days and I will make sure he gets his 5 days in and will be with him watching everything that happens and asking a million questions! I won't be a pain, but I want them to know that I am definately interested in every aspect for an uneventful recovery.

On a lighter note, my sister had a baby boy on Thursday night. She really wanted to go home Friday, but they would not let her because she is a beta strep carrier and by law they had to keep her in for 48 hrs to monitor it. She will be going home today, no earlier than 7:00 this evening. I don't know if this is for real or not, but that is what they told her. She feels fine and wants to get out!
Our health care system needs to change

This problem with the medical system started, as far as I am concerned, back in the 60s with Lyndon Johnson's growth in Medicare. Providers got paid what they billed and with "the government" picking up the tab, the public didn't care. Now, with the explosive growth in the elder population as well as improved nutrition and medicines, there isn't enough money to pay for all the services/treatments/care that everyone wants.

Plus, so many people will not accept responsibility for themselves. Overeating permeates the population whether young or old. Exercise is trendy when you're young in particular but certainly no one desires work that is so hard that it causes one to lose weight. My brother is married to a woman who I could count on one hand the number of times I have seen outside doing anything although yesterday she was using the riding lawnmower. She's only 40 but already 25 pounds overweight and so is her 12 y/o son. A juvenile diabetic in the making. She doesn't make him work outside either.

Anyhow, add in substance abuse like drugs or alcohol. Toss in these kids speeding on these motorbikes and in cars. Some kid who was severly injured in an accident and on crutches at work told me, "Nobody's going to tell me what to do." Wait til he never recovers from that spiral fracture and may limp for the rest of his life. Don't forget the indiscriminate usage of antibiotics in the meat supply that lead to ineffectiveness in the antibiotics and we have set ourselves up for a medical disastor in the making.

It isn't just the medical system that needs to change. My dad (who was totally antiquated) used to tell me, "NOW is the time to take care of your health. While you have it." He's lookin' a lot smarter to me these days.
Briar Rose - I hope your sis does well at home. I agree, she'll recover better at home, as long as someone is around for her.


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