How to Incorporate Disney


Art's Girl
Apr 10, 2001
The wedding is still a ways off (2 years) but DFiancee and I have lately been discussing many of our plans. We know it's going to be a heavily fall themed wedding. Lots of russet reds, fiery oranges, and muted yellows, with ivy every. Now we're both huge fans of medieval things so we were going to incorporate that aspect into it. But I'm also a huge Disney fan, and he humors me. My favorite is Lady and the Tramp, his is Beauty and the Beast. I'd like to incorporate some small aspects of Disney into the wedding. Any suggestions, anything to big won't fly, because I was already shot down on the Mickey/Minnie cake topper (it'll be dragons entwined in a heart instead). Honeymoon won't be in Disney World either because our vacation next year will be there. So need a little Disney fix on my wedding day.
Perhaps the sorcerer's apprentice would give you a few ideas... mickey in a castle...
If he likes B&tB, maybe small figurines could be placed at the head table... there are some nice ones at the Hallmark store (Xmas decorations)
Perhaps the princesses and their princes (Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty, etc.) could be dancing on the cake table.
Hubby and I also love the medieval theme... So much that we had a Medieval/Renaissance theme wedding! :D As for as the cake, I was lucky enough to find a baker who was willing to work with me... She made a castle cake and I made tiny bride and groom figurines to look (almost) exactly like us... From sculpy and acrylic paint. I also tried for similar colors to yours in our wedding as well.

It might be hard to combine themes but it can always be done! Depending on how big your cake is... Perhaps you could find those tiny plastic Beauty & the Beast figurines from the disney store to put on one side of the cake or on one layer, and Lady and the Tramp figurines to put on another? It's also very interesting to see figurines, pictures and other symbols or momentos on an entrance table, perhaps where the guest book might be...? With some imagination, just about anything can be done!

Congratulations to you both and much happiness for many years to come!

(Did I mention we're 2nd honeymooning in Orlando this year?... WooHoo!)
Perhaps a subtle "Sword in the Stone" theme.
Sorry to hear he was against the Minnie/Mickey Cake Topper, we had one of those for our cake and it now sits in our china closet with out other wedding memorabila. It was actually the only Disney touch we did at our wedding/reception. Of course, we went to Disney for our honeymoon.

They have so many more things for weddings now. Some of the WDW gift shops have the wine goblets/champagne glasses with the mouse ears. They're are actually very classy, there are several tiny mouse ears engraved into the glasses. Not sure where else you can get them besides WDW.
Since it is a Fall wedding I say look for a dress that resembles Princess Aurora's from sleeping beauty. The dragon cake topper will fit in great! We did Cinderella touches in our wedding at WDW. We had a pumpkin next to our cake and then also the mice were there to. I got a dress that was similar to hers in the movie. We also did the cindy cake topper. In our vowels we had that my husband was my prince charming and I wore the glass slipper of love perfectly! just little subtle touches like that are very memorable to you! Let me know if I can help anymore!
We incorporated a lot more into the rehearsal dinner since the wedding was very formal. We really kicked back at the rehearsal with Disney balloons, Disneygram, the bride and groom ears, etc. There are some very nice crystal pieces out there that you might be able to use. I had the Waterford slipper/pillow next to the cake surrounded by tulle and lights. It made a really cool picture by the photographer. Sorry, I don't have it with me to post how it looks. Seems to me, depending on who does the decorating, that you might be able to have a great time with hidden Mickeys. ;)
I was also thinking along the lines of the rehearsal dinner. It could be really fun and lighthearted with Disney themes/decorations. Beauthy and the Beast decorations are easy to get from a kids party store. Also, maybe some disney toilitries in a basket in the ladies room could be nice. What about a Cinderella crown to hold your veil in place? Good luck. Oh I just thought of something. At the rehearsal you could spinkle mickey confetti over the centers and then put a Disney themed centerpiece.


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