How wet do you get at the Jurassic park ride?


Sep 9, 2010
Daughter will be going in a few weeks, we did it back in 2004 and can't remember how wet you it doable in January, will she need a change of clothes?

She will not be doing either Dudley do Right's Ripsaw Falls or the rat barges (if they're even open then)

thanks so much!
Daughter will be going in a few weeks, we did it back in 2004 and can't remember how wet you it doable in January, will she need a change of clothes?

She will not be doing either Dudley do Right's Ripsaw Falls or the rat barges (if they're even open then)

thanks so much!

My kids rode twice and my husband and I rode once - we were only lightly sprinkled each time. Basically a spot or two on our jeans, nothing that bothered us in the cold.

However, I have heard from other people that you CAN get wet on the ride, so we may have just been lucky.

It might be kind of like how we rode Jaws once and came out bone dry. So I blithely hopped on again and got absolutely drenched! :scared1: Fortunately, my camera survived.
I think it's mainly based on weight distribution.

If I get forced to go on it and I don't want to get wet, I normally just duck at the drops and I seem to avoid getting really wet.
I think it's mainly based on weight distribution. depends on where you're sitting on the boat, how many people are on board and where the weight is located. Sometimes you'll get soaked but other times you'll only get a spray.
I don't think you'll get soaked unless you're in the front row. And even then, your bottom half is not going to get soaked.
It's a number of factors: where's you're sitting, weight distribution, and luck.

Front-heavy boats will get more rows wetter than evenly distributed or back-heavy boats. Sitting in front will get you wet-very wet, while sitting towards the back will usually get you less wet.
I've been soaked, and I've only had a couple of drops...I've sat in the front and I've sat in the back of a packed boat and got wetter here than in the front! As everyone else said, it depends on the weight of the boat!
Both times we rode, we sat right in the front and stayed quite dry... but we were the only people in the boat, so I expect it was sitting very high on the water.
I can't stand drops like on JP so I have only ridden a couple times. Each time I could ring out my shirt and hair... I was really wet! That ride hates me. :rotfl2:
First time I went on it I sat in the third row (I think) all the way to the left....completely soaked from head to toes.

The second time I went on it I sat in the first row in the middle....I got a couple of drops.
I honestly think they can adjust the water levels and they set them lower during colder temperatures where you only get a slight spray or a few drops, and can get soaked in other times.

Yes? No?
I honestly think they can adjust the water levels and they set them lower during colder temperatures where you only get a slight spray or a few drops, and can get soaked in other times.

Yes? No?

Well I was there in November when they were having almost record lows and I still got soaked the first time through.
On the two rides I can remember, one left me minimally wet and the other totally nailed me. I trudged around for a while and eventually dried off, but it took a while, even in August. Dudley Do-right was even worse; however, I counted myself lucky for even fitting onto that ride and not having to disappoint my niece. :tiptoe:
I've only gotten lightly sprinkled each of the 3 times I've ridden this ride.
We only rode once, we were wearing good ponchos, and it had just started to pour as we were loaded onto the ride.

There was a smallish couple up front, then a row or so between the rest of us (so few people were riding they told us all to sit where we wanted), and the middle and back of the boat were much heavier than the front.

The front people, with no ponchos, got DRENCHED. The rest of us? Not much extra water at all. Luck of the draw....
Just returned from a trip 12-18 through 12-24. Rode this 3 times twice we were in front and did not get wet. Rode once in the back and got MUCH wetter. Go figure?
thanks so much for your replies. DD and her boyfriend are going in a few weeks. Jurassic Park is one of my favorite rides, (wish I was going with them) Rain ponchos it will be just in case!!! who wants to freeze in January. Thanks again for your responses.
Good choice. I just went on it last week with my son (don't know why I let him talk me into it--I generally hate getting wet) and we sat in the front and the only parts that didn't get soaked were the bottom of my legs and my feet. AND, the water was freezing--not heated--brrr. Luckily, it was a fairly warm day and I dried but it took a while. I was too cheap to buy ponchos :)


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