I feel so stupid.....


<font color=660099>Not your average kindergarten t
Jul 27, 2000
I was startinf to feel almost back to normal, and my physical therapist told me she was going to discharge me soon-my hip is almost back into it's correct position. I'm having a meeting at my house next week and decided to shampoo the carpets in the living room and dining room. Now I'm in as much pain as I was before I started therapy:( I'm starting to get really nervous about the beginning of school and being able to set up the classroom. My GP and the physical therapist have both told me that this injury will probably follow me for the rest of my life. DH wants me to see a lawyer, but I really don't want to sue-I really like my job, the school and all the people I work with, and I'm afraid that if I sue it will change all that.:(
I'm not familiar with how you were injured, so I can't give any advice on whether to sue or not.

Just sending you a little pd and prayer for your hip injury.
My mom is recovering from a broken hip and I see firsthand how this can slow you down and how painful it can be.
I'm sorry you're in pain. I guess you thought you felt better than what you actually were.:( {{hugs}} I hope you get to feeling better soon.
I'm not familliar with your injury either. But...I'd call my
therapist and schedule some extra now. I have a chronic
injury and if I keep on top of it, I am able to do just about
anything. You may have to hire someone to do heavy
housework from now on. Sorry you've flared up again!
I know how physically hard school work can be. Good luck.
Thanks for all the kind thoughts. The school has acknowledged their negligence (I slipped on an icy sidewalk that had no salt or sand on it) , but I still feel wierd about consulting a lawyer. I never thought a fall would take this long to heal. My right hip bone got pushed out of place when I fell, and it's still not in the right position. I never thought a fall would take this long to heal:(


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