Idea for contests.


ô_ô .:Blue Inferno:. ô_ô Thanks For the Avatar Coo
Oct 22, 2006
I just have this idea for many of you that like hosting drawing contests. Like the Christmas Drawing Contest, New Years Drawing Contest and the Valentines Drawing Contest. After seeing these and more that will most likely be posted in the future, I came up with a great idea to judge the pictures.

You dont need to read the following if you dont think its a good idea. :)

I think that instead of just the owner judging, instead you could post a final reply with all the pictures you think are the best, then, open up a poll with the pictures you have selected. The picture with the most votes can be the winner and so on..


-Insert Name Here- : 17 votes
-Insert Name Here- : 14 votes
-Insert Name Here- : 10 votes

Those would be the winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

I think this would help a lot because you are getting opinions from other users on the boards and their opinions.

The downside might be that some users may use other accounts to vote for them, but that is highly unlikely ;) . If it makes you feel better you could turn on the " Show Names Option ". But other than that I dont think there are any disadvantages.

Hope you liked my idea,
Thanks for reading it,

VirtuallyUnknown :)
I think this is a wonderfull Idea! I'll use that towards my future Art Pad contests...
Thanks for the positive comment. I put the rule in for the host to choose some pictures before the posting the poll because the maximum poll size is 12 :) .
Hehe It could be like American Idol....we narrow it down to 12........then DIS votes!


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