Im so angry


Earning My Ears
Apr 20, 2004
Hi everyone. I just had to vent. My dh, whom is in a wheelchair(paraplegic) is being passed over a promotion because of his disability. Although they wont come out and say that but the writing is on the wall. He is a drafter. (i wont say the company,) He has been with them for 23 yrs, and always was told by big bosses in the compay ,how great he is and that he knows more then even them. Everyone comes to him when they have a problem .Alot of people retired recently and he has been working his tail off to get these jobs out.(It is only him and one boss) Now instead of promoting him they are bring other people in ,whom will be hirer then him) and they want him to train them. UHG! He says there is nothing he can do or wont do I guess. My heart is breaking for him. I just had to share. Maybe some of you have been there. Thanks for listening.:wave2:
I'm sorry to hear about your husband's problems getting a promotion. Is there any way to document that the reason he wasn't promoted was because of his disability? Perhaps someone else here would have suggestions or seeking a lawyer for advice might help.

My husband was in a bad situation like that several years ago (not due to a disability though - just nasty co-workers!) and it was exhausting for him and me too (we didn't have kids then thank goodness!). Fortunately he found a new job which had continued to lead to better opportunities. I hope the same thing will happen for your husband.
Just wanted to send some {{{hugs}}} and pixie dust your way.
Perhaps some of the people who have been in a similar situation will have advice for you. It sounds like the company was careful to not state that as a reason though, so I don't know how easy it would be to prove.
Thank you so much for responding and your kind words. Im sorry to say there is no way to prove it, the company is careful that way. He doesn't want to anyway. i just hate to see him so down. Today he is better tho, he worked in his garden all day, ran out his battery on his wheelchair :flower: Thank you all again!
I just wanted to offer you hugs and support

:grouphug: :hug: :hug:

I, too, just wanted to offer support. I feel so bacly for your husband. It's difficult enough to deal with daily challenges and still do a superior job, then to have others deny you a promotion, etc. is just unconscionable. He is fortunate to have you by his side at such a time and also to have the ability to see the 'big picture" in life. ---Kathy
:grouphug: :grouphug:

Some people just don"t get it do they.. geez I wish your dh the best! He must be one hec of a fellow!
thank you all so much for the support. This board is wonderful and so are all of you! Thanks again:wave:


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