Is the heat of the summer in florida unbearable


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2001

Can someone who has been recently tell me if this is good planning. Go to the parks till noon and enter around 4 or 5 for the evening. I have high blood pressure and get severe migraines from the severe heat. Therefore I am trying to find a strategy that will work for me. Going the last two weeks of august. Thanks,

We just got back (7/1 - 7/7), here are my thoughts:

Let me first say that this is comming from the perspective of someone with little ones in strollers. I'm sure if it was just adults, we would have been able to bear the heat better, but then again, maybe not.

Get to the parks as early as possible. We are not morning people and so on our first day, we strolled into MGM late morning and were only able to stand it for a couple of hours. We quickly became early risers.

When you start to feel like you can't cool off, leave the park. We pushed it one day and I felt like crap the rest of the day. I think in your case, just set a time and leave then. To me it seemed like by the time I started feeling really hot, it was too late and I couldn't avoid the headaches.

It starts to cool off around 5 or 6, but it's still humid. It's never going to be comfortable in July or August, but at night it does get a lot more bearable.

Here's something else... the park you are at has everything to do with the heat as well.

Magic Kingdom - There are many AC rides, so you can usually avoid the heat. Also, it has a lot of counter type restaurants to cool off in. We were able to speed all day there without having to leave.

MGM - A lot of AC rides as well. You can usually stick it out at MGM. I think the only bad thing is that the buildings and structures seem to reflect a lot of light and it always seemed very bright to me.

Animal Kingdom - Honestly, I wouldn't even bother with this park in the summer. It's too damn hot. We did the safari in the morning and left. It was PACKED at opening and hardly anything is indoors. The vegetation is sufficating. There are too few rides to spread the people out and most of the queue lines are at least partially, if not totally outdoors.

Epcot - I love this park in the summer. Everything is indoors. There are tons of places to just sit down in the AC and cool off. We spent an entire day there and hardly broke a sweat in 95 degree weather.

Fans and misters help, but won't completly beat the heat. Nothing will except to just leave the park and find some AC.

My wife and I live in North Alabama and we are used to the heat and humidity. A friend of ours went to Disney, in the middle of August, for a training class for work. My wife and I had annual passes, so we tagged along since she was staying at CBR. We stayed at AK til about 2P.M. big mistake. We got back to the resort and could not cool off.

I would also suggest getting to the park as early as possible, stay till lunch and then head back to the resort and hang by the pool till late afternoon, 5 - 6P.M., then go back to the parks.

Right now it is very humid were I live. This morning the humidity was 100%, and it was not raining.
Hmm.. If you've not been to Disney in the summer you are in for a shock. July and August are HOT and HUMID, but you'll have gathered that from the previous posts. Imagine sitting in front of the fire at home and being at the point where you say "this room's too hot, turn the heating down"... then you realise that you're actually not able to turn the heating down. As for the humidity... this can give susceptible people intense headaches, especially with all the thunderstorms (I suffer migraines also). I suggest you go, take migraine prophylactics from your doctor (I've taken pizotifen) and take a mist fan. You'll be indoors a lot of the time so don't worry.

Luckily, although we're from Scotland, we have gotten used to the heat and can tolerate it fine. Just be prepared for your clothes to stick to you... I suggest you take the chance to freshen up for the evening. Beware though,.. evenings are still hot even with the sun away.

Wow I didn't realize even the evenings were still hot when the sun goes down. Thanks for all your replies, we will have to think this one out. I guess definitely will not do the animal kingdom, and that is the one I really wanted to see, another time for me for that park.

We live in North Florida and I have to tell you it is the humidity that is the problem. I too get headaches from the sun. I would not skip Animal Kingdom- go at 7:30 and wait for it to open- when it opens go straight bck to the Safari ride. From there make you way to whatever you are interested in and then hit the water ride- if it gets to be around 11- I would wait and come back in the late afternoon- maybe about1 hr before it closes and rife what little you have left.
Wear a hat that cool and has a sweat band in it- take a backpack with a couple of "frozen " bottles of water, and take a Squeeze Breeze. Also wear some good sunglasses- I wear Buccis and that helps me even when I mow our yard! We go to WDW about 4 times a year and I have never had a problem. Stay conscious of the time or how hot you are getting. It is hot but let me tell you- the lines what you have to dread. Standing outside in the heat with no shade is what wears me out-so this info isn't just for AK- it is for all of your vacation!! Enjoy! My family has never let this slow them down and I haven't either!:bounce:

I have just returned from Florida and was really surprised how well we coped with the heat. I was really getting worried as you read about it on these pages and the guide books and coming from the UK we really are not used to the heat so I was really worried. I suffer with migraines and thankfully in the 14 days I was there only had two (slight) attacks.

I made sure that I always wore a baseball hat and sunglesses and had a squeeze breeze, these really do help and plent of drinks, I became addicted to frozen lemonade, really nice when you are standing in line.

The only park I really felt the heat was AK but we had our strategy planned and it worked well. If you just pace yourself and have plenty to drink you will be fine. We just kept going inside when the heat got to much and the wait in line for Tough To Be A Bug was worth it for the wonderful cool.

We didn't have much trouble with Epcot it rained for about three hours, the only problem was getting from building to building without getting soaked!!

I hope your vacation goes well and that the heat does not bother you too much.


:pinkbounc :cool: :pinkbounc
Hi Hellie:

Thanks for your reply, there are three of us who suffer from migraine headaches, my daughter is so bad she is on 3 beta blockers a day as a preventative.

Anyways, animal kingdom park we have never seen, I thought I might have to skip it, can you tell me what strategy you used for touring parts of it. We don't have to see the whole place, but it would be nice to see a bit of it. Thanks,

If the heat is going to affect you take much wait until Oct, Nov and go then. It is hot and you are northerners. Frankly it doesn't bother me one bit and I go in August every year.

AK is not to be missed in my opinion but I love zoos and am not a ride person. You can take your time and really observe the animals. It have much better shade than my own zoo.
Safari is wonderful. Go early.

One thing that will help greatly is drink plenty of WATER! Not soda, juice, tea or coffee but plain old water. One of the big factors in getting headaches and migraines is dehydration and our bodies need at least 64 oz a day and more in hot times. It also affects blood pressure. The thicker the blood the harder to pump and the higher your blood pressure can go.
Hi Debbie

The strategy we used for the park was to go early and head straight for the Safari, as this is what we wanted to do most, apart from that we took our time and didn't really bother rushing around the park (some people do and this makes you very hot). We got an FP for Countdown to Extinction and while we waited to go on that went to It's Tough To Be A Bug, which is really good for cooling you down as the wait is inside under the tree.

I took plenty of water with me and kept refilling, I also had a Cool Bottle and filled this with Frozen Lemonade. I knew I would get a headache with the heat being so bad and I was worried as I had read a lot on these pages, so I took a couple of tablets in the morning and luckily enough didn't get one all day (I did in MK).

Animal Kingdom is not to be missed and I am sure if you are sensible you will be fine, there is a lot of walking without any shade but wear a hat and you should be fine, let me know how you get on.

Hope you have a good time.

Kind regards.


:cool: :pinkbounc :smooth:
We survived AK by riding Kali Rapids a few times! We were quite soaked but very comfortable.
Hi we were at WDW 7-6 thru 7-14, and except for one day, I really didn't think that it was all that bad. I was expecting th worst since I am pregnant and am hot ALL THE TIME NOW!!!

Now this may be because we would get to the parks by 8 or 9 and leave early afternoon. We would return to the parks after 5 or so. I think if you know what to expect, it is going to be hot and humid, and not try to do it commando style, drink lots of water and sit in AC when ever possible. Our worst day was at EPCOT. We chose the hottest day to go, and we were all tired from a late night at the MK, so not prepared for it.

The other thing we did was carry a white wash cloth with us. I would wet it down and we would wipe our selves off putting the cold rag on our pressure points to help cool us down.

Now I am from the midwest (Chicago and now Mid MI) so humidity has always been part of the formula. Some of the best times was when it rained. Which it did every day i think. We would just get wet!!!! Heck you are already wet from sweating so much, the rain feels good!!! The only advise I would give for this is either carry dry socks to change into, or sandals or water shoes to change into. The one day I stayed in wet socks to long is when I got the nasty blisters. Not a pretty site. Thank goodness i had brought along plenty of moleskin, blister bandages and bandaids!!! OUCH!
As wonderful as WDW is, it is NOT worth your health. I too get migraines. I live in South Florida and the summer is just too hot to do anything. I sweat like crazy just walking in from my car. WDW is such an expensive vacation that I would seriously consider putting off your trip. The fall and winter are perfect (lower crowds and hardly any rain in Nov.). We are going in Nov (the 11th-14th). It is our son's first trip. To tell you the truth, I would not go in summer if someone paid my way. No thanks!!!! Consider all your options before spending all that money.
A fellow migraine sufferer
Also, when its colder you don't have to carry around water bottles, worry about socks or other cooling off methods. You just enjoy yourself!!!!
I have lived in South Florida for 29 years, so I have a bit of experience with this. I am also a Letter Carrier and am outside all day long. The common mistake most people unfamiliar with this climate make is they are not prepared BEFORE they go out in the heat. It is wise to fully hydrate yourself before leaving for the park, no matter how early it is. Water is fine, but I have found that it's best to drink a full (individual) bottle of some type of sport drink before heading out in the heat. I then drink water all day long without waiting until I get thirsty to drink. If you find yourself with excessive thirst, headaches or extremely uncomfortable, get out of the heat and spend time in the pool or air conditioned room. You can still have a good time in this weather, so long as you don't overdo it. Lisa:cool:
Those are really great tips, Lisa. It is important to hydrate yourself before going out. In my case, however, I 'd spend all my time in the parks' restrooms! I still think late fall is the best time.
I was born and raised in Miami! I used to go to WDW in June, July, August, when I was YOUNGER! Now, NO WAY! About 3 years ago, My DD and DS and I went in August. BIG BIG Mistake! God was it Hot! Never again! Now I go in April, May, and the best by far is Feb.! Sure, it rained, was cold, but the crowds were non-existant, and Not HOT! This year I am going in Nov. and next year Feb again!:D
Glad you can go during the school months but working for DCPS makes that inpossible unless it is a weekend trip. :( I'm going in August. But I will be taking it easy. Summer school is over the 31st. Can't believe they only have a 3 week summer school. Why bother.


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