Is this alright....?


DIS Veteran
Jun 16, 2001
My DD will be 5 on 12/16. Our trip to WDW ends on 12/13. I told my DD that we would go for her B-Day, but we can't stay past 12/13 due to work. My DD can't read a calendar so we are thinking of telling her that her B-Day is on 12/12, the day before we leave, so she can celebrate her B-Day at WDW. Is this wrong. She doesn't know the difference so I don't think it matters and she'll have a wonderful 5th birthday memory. Does anyone think I'm wrong or is this okay? Maybe I just worry too much.
Let's see.....daughter 5, WDW, birthday,uhhhh Yeah baby do it!!!!

You aren't trying to cheat anyone (except maybe yourself out of and extra day at WDW...don't you hate work :rolleyes: )

It would be really special for her!

And if you at some point feel guilty about it...wait until she's 16 and say..."uh well we have a confession..." You'll all get a big laugh!
Do it!!!! She will love it....I agree with the previous poster...Tell her when she is 16 if you are still feeling guilty about it. I am sure she will wonder why you were even worried about it in the first place! Have a great trip!
Wow - I'm torn by this one.
My gut reaction was to say no, don't do it, that's lying to your DD. But then I realized that I lie to my DD all the time. ;) I can't imagine what would happen if your DD actually figured out that it wasn't her birthday. :eek:

Whatever you do, I hope you have a great trip. :)
Well, I am with Pooh and Piglet on this one.Torn. While I certainly don't belive in lying to your child, you might can get around this with wording." We are going to celebrate your birthday today!" I think however at 5, she might figure out when her birthday is and be quite confused by this. If she is in preschool, the class will do calander time each day. Every childs name will be on the calander on his or her date and the class makes a big deal of counting down the days untill each birthday.(I teach preschool).I am sure that by now she can also tell you her birthday. Such as my birthday is Dec.16th. As her birthday get nearer people who know her general time of birth ask her when her is and she says Dec.16, someone might reply to her with an answer that will clue her into the fact that her birthday is after the trip. I am not sure of the answer, but I think pulling this off might be harder than you think.Five year olds are smart!
No matter what you tell her, be sure to celebrate her at WDW.Get a PS for her favorite character's meals and spoil her like crazy that day. You will know what feels right to you.

Jordan's mom
Thanks for the responses. I hadn't thought about her pre-kindergarten class having calendar time everyday. I'll tell her it's not her actual birthday, but we're having her party there. I'll get her the B-day badge and dinner at chef mickeys and order a cake there. Thanks for all the responses.
My kids are used to having their birthdays spread out - and if you think about it, your daughter probably is as well.

This year my son turns four on a Wednesday, my daughter three just three weeks later on a Friday. They will have individual birthday parties for their friends on a Saturday around their birthday, and will share a family party for Grandmas and Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles sometime between the two. On the Wednesday and Friday their birthdays actually fall, they will be in daycare, so we will bring in cupcakes for them to share with the class and there will be a small celebration as well as something birthday special at home on their day.

So tell your daughter you wanted to celebrate her birthday at Disney. Then celebrate with something small (a cake and present) on her actual birthday. Its a rare five year old that will pass up on having two birthdays in a year.
I took my nephew to WDW for his 7th birthday in 2000. We were there for his actual birthday, but that day was planned as a down day for us (we had an Illuminations Cruise planned for that nite), so I let him pick the park he wanted to celebrate his birthday in. He celebrated his birthday one day early, in the Magic Kingdom.

I think instead of telling her that her birthday is a day that it isn't, tell her you are celebrating early so Mickey can be a part of it.
Celebrating a birthday doesnt mean it HAS to be on that day. Many children including my own have had a family party on their birthday, but how many parents who work are gonna bring their kids in the middle of the week after work to my house? Not too many. So we celebrate it on the weekend like millions of other parents do.

Tell your daughter you are going to celebrate her birthday at WDW before you leave, and have a family party whatever, when you get home on her official birthday. She will be 5 and can understand this. The CMs arent going to care whether she isnt actually 5 on the day you celebrate or not. In fact, you dont need to explain anything to them. Your daughter will love this memory and will think of it years to come. She wont be disappointed that its not her official birthday, all she will know is that she is having more than one celebration and will probably tell her friends she had a party at WDW, and one at home and be the envy of all the little kids because she had two, one especially at WDW.
She will love having a "party" at Disney. We had planned a trip on my DD 5th B-day this year, but had to cancel because I had to have surgery. She understood but was still disappointed to say the least. She decided to send Mickey an invitation to her party - it broke my heart. Of course, I had to explain that Mickey was busy at Disney with all the other kids. Fortunately, surgery went well and we were able to reschedule for July at AKL. I ordered a B-day cake from in-room dining "from Mickey". They sent a really nice 6" cake 2 layers with "Happy Birthday Tasha" and a signed picture of Mickey Mouse. I also had some presents set with the cake that I - I mean Mickey - got her with a card that said "Sorry we couldn't come to your birthday party. Happy Birthday! Love, Mickey and Minnie". She loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smooth: Even though it was over a month after her birthday.

We didn't actually celebrate anywhere else though since it was so far from her birthday, but that was enough for her.:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc


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