It's all RONALD MCDONALD'S fault . . .

The sad thing is that this guy has to know that he is responsible for what goes in his pie-hole, not the fast food chains. This isn't about responsibility, it's about greed. This idiot and his money hungry, bottom feeder of a lawyer (not a knock against lawyers, just this type) are probably hoping that McDonalds, and the others will settle for a large sum without a trial :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
You know, I've boycotted most fast food places for years, especially McDonalds, but even I wouldn't side with this guy. As soon as we declared obesity a "disease", I knew something like this would happen. How disgusting.

I saw that man and his lawyer this morning on Good Morning America. I will be deeply disappointed in our legal system if this man, and the others who've joined his law suit, win in any way, shape, or form.
seems to me the attorney is a professor just looking to write an article in the publish-or-perish world. there's a big difference between fast food and tobacco.

I don't see this reaching a jury. I think it might just get past the trial judge (it's filed in the Bronx, where most of the judges are not legal scholars), but I don't think it will make it past the Appellate Division.
In light of this epidemic of a problem today, I would like to offer the following prayer (sent to me by a friend when I began complaining about how evil McDonalds was when I was trying to diet!).

Dear God (or whatever Higher Power you believe in),

My most fervent wish is that when I walk down the street people gasp and whisper, "My god! He's so GAUNT! Is he SICK?"

However, dear Lord, you know that I am totally powerless over grilled cheese, french fries, those nasty Sara Lee honeybuns, and, well...the entire menu at [insert your favorite restaurant name here] restaurant.

Also, I must confess that the only reason I like sushi is because I like the avocado in the middle.

Dear lord, I also seem to have an unnatural attraction for McDonald's breakfasts and extra value meals (supersized, of course) and have been known to order TWO OR MORE extra value breakfasts and meals at one time, just to satisfy my cravings.

It's true that man cannot live by bread alone, but I do think that (wo)men can very easily live on perogi alone. Plus chocolate mint ice cream (Breyers) and macaroni and cheese.

I'd appreciate any help, God. And while you are at it, can you supersize that? Thank you. Amen!
I heard this yesterday and just couldn't believe it! When are people going to take responsibility for their own actions? My CHILDREN know that McD's/Burger King isn't healthy food and that's why we don't get it more than 2 or 3 times a month.

I've done Weight Watchers, and you know what? Even if you DO crave a burger and fries, you CAN eat the small, regular size and stay within your diet. Just don't supersize!

Where will this all end? Eventually, all this "it's not my fault" has to become somebody's fault!! I know, maybe it's God's fault; oh wait, God has been outlawed from just about everything. Who can we blame? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

that is probably the most stupid thing I've heard EVER!!

you don't gotta eat the food b/c it's there!
if you want a burger...get a small one or even a veggie burger!

I mean COME ON!
Jeez! How many times has McD's been sued for idiotic things now? They need to find another lawyer-theirs always loses these idiotic cases for them. But they do get a lot of publicity out of the deal.
And he is not just sueing McD...the suit names BK, Wendy's and KFC also.

What gets me is the guys own doctor told him to cut out the fast food...that is it was not how can he claim he didn't know.

Also, for the last few year (actually about 10), every time I go to a fast food place (inside not drive through) there are signs on the wall and pamphlets with the nutrition info. If the small fries has about 300 calories...I can sure make the leap in my head that the bigger sizes are going to be more.

And I also love the comment he made in one of the interviews or articles pointing out the fact that he is single and doesn't cook so that it why he went to fast food places....gee, didn't know that being to lazy to be able to cook was a reason to sue!


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