kids at PI?


Sep 28, 1999
I posted this over on the Family board, but have not received any responses, so let me ask here. What is the feeling about kids at PI? I have a 9 and 7 yr old and we are thinking of going to PI with them 1 night. We will go right at 7PM when it opens and probably stay for less than 2 hrs. Any personal experiences?
Try posting on the Theme Park forum; there's usually an eruption of this every 3 months or so - and you'll get a more, um, diverse opinion than on the Fam Board. :rotfl:

My $.02: PI is a series of nightclubs that, while designed for adults, can accomodate children. It's up to you - as parents - to determine if scantily-clad women selling shots on the street, sexualized humor, PDAs, and - at the AC - regular view's of Sunny's undergarments are age- and maturity-appropriate for your children. Be warned that, both on these boards and at PI you will run into some adults that feel that bringing children lessens the 'grown-up' experience they came for.

I have seen some parents with children humorously chided at the AC, along the lines of "Just what every mother does with the kiddies at WDW - take 'em out to a bar!"
I wouldn't take my son to PI and the only places we go are the comedy warehouse and AC. For one, he absolutely loves the kids club on the nights we go there. The other reason is that even though it is a Disney bar it is still a bar and I personally don't want my son to have to be exposed to it. I'm not one of those who feels that my night was ruined by someone else's child unless they are acting inappropriately but for me a bar is not a place for my child.
with the above two posts.

Even though it is a Disney Bar and Disney works hard to keep PI a PG sort of place, Disney can't always control everything or everyone.

All it takes is one stupid moment (or someone having a stupid moment) in time and *Boom* it's in your childs brain for all time and you can't take it back.

Personally, we can only give our opinions and mine is if you really want to do PI, take your kids to a kid's club. They will have way more fun and so will you ;) ;)

I have to agree with the others... PI really isn't a place for kids. JMHO, I have been offended by some of the things I've heard and seen and I would have felt terrible if my children would have been exposed to them. I have read reports from others who have brought their kids but I just don't think it is worth taking the chance.
My own experience with PI is that there are large # of people who don't know how to act. This # increases in proportion to how late in the evening it is. Essentially, this is a night club district with simply a Disney name attached. Unfortunately, that dosen't make it nice place for kids to go.
The first 2 hrs. here are pretty tame by my definition of the term. The humor in the Comedy Warehouse and AC is of the double entendre nature and can be likened to that found on the Drew Carey show. If you're comfortable with your kiddies watching that, these two clubs will not shock you. The 'rowdiness' come later with the arrival of the 21 to 30 yr. old singles and couples. Yes, a bar is still a bar, but PI is still subdued, based on my vast experience, when compared with a Saturday night in any American town of more than 10,000 residents, Utah excepted.

Bill From PA


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