Like A Heat Wave!!!!


Jul 30, 2000
WOOOHOOO!!! It's SUMMER in JOISEY!!!! :bounce: :bounce:

I'm not sure how much the plants like it, but it's finally in the 90s here in Joisey! And the garden is really bloomin'!

Right now my yarrow is blooming it's flatheaded self off! Pretty, pretty heads of yellow.....also pinks and purples in the mix....a more delicate flower than the yellow but just as inviting!

All those black eyed susie seedlings I replanted are paying off! They are growing larger and flower heads yet but I'm hopefull I'll have a huge crop! They really are a sunny, happy flower!

And the DAYLILIES!!! Oh, my! That cold winter really gave these beauties a chance to extend their roots and grow thicker and more abundant! They're definitely the queen of the early summer garden!

So....what's happenin' in your neck of the woods????
Daylillies opened up yesterday.

Various colors of yarrow are in full bloom.

My black hollyhock opened a couple flowers this morning.

Heliopsis is blooming and coreopsis isn't far behind.

need to start watering...been awhile since the "floods".
Just what the plant doctor ordered. Sunny hot days and warm nights. Although it hard to believe it but we could use a little rain. The surface soil is drying out rapidly.

Just about all the summer flowers are getting ready to bloom.

The veggie garden is also taking off. Should pick our first crop of squash this week. I planted the garden very early this year and it looked like it was going to be a early harvest. Sadly though the lack of sun and the downpours changed all that. My first 2 sets of flowers on the tomatoes withered away. Had the weather co-operated I'd probably be picking tomatoes with in the week.
My yarrow is blooming, along with the coreopsis, the delphiniums, and my pin cushion flowers. The coneflowers are just starting to open (well, one of the plants anyway), and one of the ground cover sedums is turning a beautiful pink. :) The salvia are in full throttle, and my blaze rose was doing beautifully, until Saturday....

It was starting to get very dry here too, Mamu, until this past weekend that is. We were out shopping, I hadn't paid close enough attention to the weather forecast, and sure enough, while we were in the stores, it poured. I do mean poured, with high winds also. When we got home, my roses looked like they had taken a beating (and they haven't really recovered), my salvia was flattened, and the poor top-heavy delphiniums were bent right over. One of my container tomatoes was on it's side.....and did I mention that I'd left a full load of laundry out on the clothesline......first time I've ever been caught! :rolleyes:

The upside....the new rainbarrel was full!!!
We're having a heat wave.... A tropical heat wave...... The temperature's rising, it isn't surprising.....dadadada (I don't remember the words!)

I am SO GLAD summer has finally arrived!!! Things are growing and doing around here. I feel content in my yard lately, especially when I am looking at it from the float in my pool!!!! :teeth:


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