Madawaska River Family Rafting ~ anyone done this? know of it?


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi all! I've spent a good part of my day thinking about summer vacation. We are spending most of our time home in Ontario. Years ago, dh and I went white water rafting near Ottawa. I want to do it again with my kids. Since ds is only 3, the only option we have is Madawaska River family float trip. Have any of you heard of it? done it? Do you know of anything like that closer to Mississauga? Thanks! S
I did that 2 years ago while vacationing near bancroft. We wanted a tame whitewater rafting experience and it was really neat.

The rapids are very tame but still exciting enough. I highly recommend jumping in the rapids... don't chicken out it is really fun and easier than it looks.

Have fun

Do you think a 3 year old would be okay? He is a nice little boy and I'm sure he would sit in the raft for 3 hours. thanks S
Do you think a 3 year old would be okay? He is a nice little boy and I'm sure he would sit in the raft for 3 hours. Can you recommend accomodation in the area? Thanks! S
Here's a link to the Madawaska Kanu Centre (you'll need Acrobat Reader to open it). It's only a mile from my parent's cottage, and I'm embarrassed to admit, we've never been on the raft ride.

It's a very popular spot, the parking lot often full of cars from all over North America. :) It also attracts a lot of European visitors.

Madawaska Kanu Centre

HI SandraC

I have taken so much information from all you WDW experts. I feel like it is my opportunity to impart my knowledge of rafting to you.

I haven't been to Madawaska but I have been to Wilderness Tours in Beachburg on the Mighty Ottawa River. I am going again this year and have the brochure in front of me. This is a very family oriented place (during the week, try to avoid long weekends) The rapids are real, so ds won't be able to go with you, but they have babysitting activities for kids during the day while you are out.

You stay on site and meals can be included. We find it to be a really great value for our money.

I have to admit, I have not taken my children because we have a group of 12 adults that fill a raft and rent the Log Cabin (indoor plumbing, worth the price) but I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it for families. It is a family run business, the service has been fabulous and I have lots of families during our visits (so much so that sometimes I feel guilty leaving the kids out.....but I get over it:smooth: )

Here is the website Check it out and feel free to ask me anything if I can help.
Hi Ariel, thanks for writing. I looked into Wilderness and Owl Rafting a lot lately. DH and I did the two day Owl Rafting years ago with a bunch of friends. I am only interested in rafting trips that I can take both my kids on. ds is 3 and dd is 9. That's why Madawaska River is so appealing to me. I think the age restriction is 2 years old.

Kim, there is a Best Western in the Bancroft area, do you know it? What's it like? Are there other hotels close to the rafting area? Thanks! S
Sandra, we drive right past The Best Western-Sword Motor Inn in Bancroft on our way up to the cottage. I've never stayed there, but it looks fine, nothing special, but It's still an hours drive northeast to get to the Madawaska Kanu Centre.

The closest town to the MKC is Barry's Bay, with a population of approx. 1200, so there's not a lot there. It's about a 20-25 min. drive. They have a couple of very, very, basic motels. We had to stay at one once, because there was no room at the cottage, and I'm not sure I'd do it again. Of course, I've also been told I'm too "fussy"...LOL..:teeth:

I have to say though, if you're looking for the best chocolate milkshakes ever, Barry's Bay Dairy is the place to find them. They also have a couple of good "chip" wagons. But I digress....again. ;) :)
Thanks Kim, I am a little on the 'high maintainance' list too, lol! "Roughing It" for me it when the Holiday Inn has an 'outdoor pool'. I am going along with the rafting idea because (1) I really enjoyed rafting on the Ottawa River (2) dh spoils me rotten so this is my way of letting him have an 'outdoorsy' vacation. I joke a lot about preferring RESORT vacation, but I really do end up enjoying myself in the bush.

I should look at Barry's Bay for hotels now. Is Pembroke too far? Thanks! S
Sandra, Pembroke would be an even longer drive to MKC than Bancroft, approx. an hour and a quarter.

Really, you might be better off in Bancroft at the BW, it's probably the nicest of all your choices in that area. Bancroft is a pretty little town, and if you do decide to stay there, make sure you check out Eagles Nest lookout, which is practically across the street from the BW. It has an absolutely fabulous view. :)

Take a look...Eagles Nest ~ Bancroft :)

The only other thing I could suggest (assuming you're not interested in staying at the MKC itself), would be to investigate for some B&B's that might be in the area. :)


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