Major boo-boo this morning! Washed DH's wallet!


<font color=green>Smiling at you!!!</font><br><fon
Jan 8, 2000
Thought I would gather up all the blue jeans and put them on to wash before I went to work. DS and DH had left theirs in the floor as usual so I picked them up and threw them in. Didn't check pockets. :( I knew better. Washed money, drivers license, pictures, and all the other good things one keeps in a wallet. Stopped on the way home from work and bought him a new one. Nice thing though was he didn't get upset. We are leaving in about 10 minutes to drive to Gatlinburg and eat supper. See you guys later! :) Ain't love grand!!!!!;)'s come to this has it boots?!!???

now yer launder'in money....tisk,tisk,tisk

....grime never pay yer know! ;)
Yes Boots - love is grand! Enjoy your supper in Gatlinburg! (Is this a sign that you should wash his wallet more often?)
Are you going to the Texas Roadhouse, Ellen?:) I hope you have a nice dinner.

I've done that twice.:o Allen's learned to empty his pockets because I forget to.:o
I do this every other month or so...DH is very good at "drying" his wallet and it's contents. :rolleyes: I'd feel bad...IF he weren't 28 and old enough to take his OWN stuff out of his OWN pockets! ;)
I didn't know there was a reward for washing DH's wallet. ;) :D
I do this like EVERY WEEK...some reason DH thinks emptying pockets is the DW's job when she does laundry....I disagree....the loser..the wallet....

I still don't check.
Well I've never washed John's wallett but he has a "gift" of jumping in the swimming pool before removing his wallet. I can't tell you how many times he has done this.
DH is VERY good about keeping his wallet close to himself and removes it faithfully whenever he gets undressed. Hmmmmm.... ;)
Yes, as a matter of fact, love <b>is</b> grand :)

Enjoy supper in Gatlinburg :D
That puts a whole new meaning to laundering money!!LOL!!!Must try that if you get taken out for a meal.Enjoy your night!!:cool:
Well at least it was clean and smelled nice! I accidentally threw in my keys into the wash once. The keys were in this leather wallet like thing and I could also put loose change in there.

Nothing major, but the leather was a bit warped after that. :)


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