Military Moms?


Dumbo Rox!
Jan 2, 2008
Any military moms out there?

My DD(18) and DS(18) (no, not twins, his and hers)(we don't use step since there was no contact from bio's on either side)....
Anyway...both just signed.
She signed with Navy...goes to basics in August.
He signed with ARNG...leaves in September.

I also have a DD(21) who just recently married a Navy guy.

this is all so new, my DH is a veteran so he understands more. I am worried already. I know I'm not alone...anyone else?

Thanx...looking forward to talking to some others
:grouphug: My DH joined NG in April of last year. While we both know that there is a possibility of being deployed etc., I'm not worried to much. My boss has been NG for almost 20 years and he's been deployed over seas twice.

Tell you kids thanks for being willing to serve! I really respect all of our military men and women for investing their lives in our freedom.
I have three DDs (two USN, 1 USMC) and 3 DSILs (2 USN, 1 USMC - of course!). 1 DD (USN) still active duty - leaving for 12 mo (at least) tour in Iraq next month, but she will be serving boots on the ground with the Army and 1 DSIL (USMC) deploying regularly from Okinawa - his wife and son (my DD and DGS - 4 YO) are moving to Japan for three years to be with him.

There are some tough moments - they were ALL in on 9/11; DD & DSIL were on USS Enterprise, first ship to respond; DD and DSIL had to cancel wedding as they were on call to ship out, another DSIL (submariner) shipped out 1 day notice; DD stationed at communications hub, base went to total lockdown...all deployments went to "indefinite" and info was quite scarce for a while)...but there are many times where you will think your heart is going to burst with pride. Service brings many opportunities along with the worries for those of us at home. Not one of the six regrets their service (ranging from 4 to 11 yrs so far), nor do I despite those moments along the way! (I don't mean to imply you or yours have regrets - just sharing thoughts!)

Good luck and safe voyages to your kids, and many thanks, too. Without our young men and women serving, our lives would be quite different!


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