"Mommy, how many more days?" April PTR!!


Earning My Ears
Feb 25, 2010
I cannot even begin to describe how excited and grateful my husband, kids, and I are to be counting down the days until our FIRST EVER trip to Disneyland!! I have always loved all things Disney, but now seeing the magic through my kids' eyes is all the better!! I am posting this PTR for a couple of reasons:
-- to find an outlet for my pent up excitement!
-- so that people with lots more experience than us can offer tips on things we can add/change to have an awesome time!

Here is a summary of my lovely little family...

:) My husband, Gareth, 34 and a true kid at heart! He works very hard to make our dreams come true, and is a great dad and husband!

:) My sweet son, Mason, is 7 and is a joy to be around. I count my blessings every day that he is not yet embarrassed to be hugged by his mom in public, and he still holds my hand when we walk around together. :love:

:) Harper, 5, is my middle child, and luckily, she has yet to display any middle child syndrome! She is happy ALL the time... I hear her almost every night singing herself to sleep. :lovestruc She is the shyest of all my kiddos, but so helpful and sweet.

:) Georgia is my youngest, and at age 3, she is quite the comedian and mischief maker! She truly believes herself to be Snow White. Her invisible companion is "Prince Tommy"-- she named the prince from Snow White and has conversations with him all day long. :rotfl:

And then there is me, a 33 year old wife and mother who feels blessed beyond measure! We haven't been able to take a vacation to a far away place as a family thus far, so this trip is a huge deal for us! Here goes the plan... please do comment and make suggestions!!

We leave Seattle on Saturday, April 24th, and arrive at Long Beach Airport Saturday evening. We haven't booked a shuttle yet, but it seems to me that Execucar (through Super Shuttle) is the best deal. We are planning on bringing car seats/boosters for all of the kids. Safety first, right? :)

We are staying in a Mission Suite at the Anabella Hotel, which we got for $79 a night. We live close to downtown Seattle, and we are used to walking almost everywhere, so I'm thinking a 15-20 minute walk won't bother us. We are bringing our sit-n-stand for the girls, but are thinking the older 2 may switch out during the day.

We are using Sunday as a "get settled" type of day-- getting snacks/breakfast for the room and park, checking out DTD, and maybe relaxing by the pool a bit. We want to be ready for our first full day at the park!

Monday will be our first of 3 days at the parks. We don't have a ride itinerary yet, but I've purchased "The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland", which seems to have some good plans.

I'm thinking that we'll do Disneyland Monday and Tuesday and then spend Wednesday at California Adventure. We have some "must sees" for ourselves and each of our kids... my hubby and I want to see "Aladdin" and ride Space Mountain. DS wants to do the Jedi Training (he's a Star Wars nut!) and Star Tours. DD1 and DD2 want to meet as many princesses as they can... I'm thinking we'll head to Princess Fantasy Faire and do BBB as well. My mother-in-law is a great sewer and has offered to sew a jedi costume for DS, a Sleeping Beauty dress for DD1, and naturally, a Snow White dress for DD2! We want to do as many of the classic rides as we can, too.

We haven't planned out all of our meals, either, but since we're on a pretty tight budget we are thinking that we will fill everyone up on lots of cereal/oatmeal at the hotel in the am, pack snacks in fanny packs and get a treat or two while exploring the parks early in the day, eat an early dinner (4:30 or so) at a restaurant that gets good reviews for taste and value, and then eat snacks at the hotel before bed.

On Thursday, we'd really like to take the kids to a beach, but I heard the bus rides are pretty long and include a transfer. The beach is our plan, though...

Friday evening, April 30th, we will be heading back to Seattle :sad1: so we will take it easy in the morning-- maybe head back to the pool or DTD before packing up for the airport.

And that is it so far! Thanks for letting me share our excitement with you! :)
Can't wait to hear more! I didn't take my first trip to DL until I was 16, but i couldn't imagine it being any more magical! I'll be down there just before you, April 15th-18th!
Im so excited for you! What a fun first family vacation! Your plans sound pretty good so far, I would say that personally I like to hop from park to park on all days rather than plan to go to one or the other.
You can actually pack as much food as you want and get a locker I think they are 10 bucks a day and have your own meals rather than purchasing the food from the parks. Or trying to stick to just snacks through out the day. Its like a little picnic! Also my husband and i can share almost every meal we get in the parks so that saves a ton of money.
I cant wait to hear how your trip went! Have a great time!!:goodvibes


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