My dad's MRI results


<font color=blue>Still crazy after all these years
Mar 24, 2001
Well, he went to the doctor today to find out the results of his MRI.

This is coming from my dad, so who knows how accurate his translation of the doctor's comments is!! :D

Anyway, he has to go for a repeat on part of the MRI. Apparently he has blockages in both his carotid artieries, but the MRI did not get a good view of them to know if he will need surgery or not.

He has also apparently had a mini-stroke at some point in the near past.

He (now this is according to my dad's translation) has a "touch" of Parkinson's. Now, how can you have a "touch"? I mean, either you have it or not, right? Anyway, supposedly it is not bad enough to require medication right now and it may not get any worse.

So, I am awaiting this second MRI to see if he is going to need surgery on his carotid arteries. (and it doesn't make me feel real good to know he has already had a mini-stroke!)
Hi Kristy,

Just to set your mind at ease a bit. My Dad had ministrokes in 1999 and he's still doing very well. The CT scan that he had recently said that it no longer shows evidence of the mini strokes. He actually had a lot of memory loss problems back in 1999 and they thought he had "a touch" of Alzheimers. He lost his license and was unable to drive for a year. The memory seemed to come back after that year and the memory test that the doctor gave him he passed with flying colours. He has since had many more memory tests and passed those too. His CT scans are now as normal as they can be for a 71 year old. No sign of any Alzheimers. He takes a baby aspirin every day to ensure that he has no further mini strokes. Hopefully your dad's results are okay.
You're right about either having or not having Parkinson's but sometimes they aren't sure whether it truly is Parkinson's. My mom had a similar diagnosis. Some doctors were all excited that she felt she had Parkinson's. The neurologist who checked her gave a similar diagnosis to what your dad got. Yes, maybe there's some Parkinson's present but considering her age (in her 70's), it probably won't be a problem (because they won't live long enough for it to progress to a problem point). She's developed other problems but now the Parkinson symptoms don't even seem to be present. She does take 1 pill a day for the Parkinson's.


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