My new additions


DIS Veteran
Jul 21, 2000
Plumeria and brugsmania (angel trumpet). I now have 6 plumeria (also known as frangi pangi - the flowers Hawaiians use to make leis). Three came as a gift from someone on the garden web (I really recommend this site) and 2 out of the 5 I bought at Epcot during the flower show. 3 of those bit the dust. One out of the three cuttings is BLOOMING. Today I saw a couple of 7 foot trees at Home Depot and bought the better one. (Who cares if we don't have groceries this week!) It is 6 feet tall. Maybe next year I can supply you guys with cuttings.

As for the brugs, although they are in a screened enclosure, something is eating them. Overnight all the leaves disappear. I spray with insecticide and they come right back. Wish I could figure out what it is and what to do about it.

People on the garden web say they spend about $1,000 a year on plumeria. Here we go! Haven't told DH that one.

When you are in Florida come see my beautiful plants.
I'm a bit confused, Marlasmom (no surprise there! :o ). Do you mean that the plumeria/frangipani grows to 7feet tall?

$1000 dollars is a lot of money for one plant, but if you added up all that is spent on the garden during the year, it probably wouldn't be too far from that amount. Yikes!!! :eek:
Hope you will post some pics sometime...:)
Is being able to express oneself clearly a requirement????

The plumeria grow to 20 feet or so I read. Next week I am going to go to a store near Tampa that sells nothing but plumeria. Credit card to be left at home.

People who collect plumeria seem to find it an addiction. They say they have spent $1,000 on plumeria overall, cuttings mostly, and pots. there seems to be an infinite number of varities and I think I want them all.

The brugs are also propogated with cuttings. Next year I MAY have cuttings for all of you.
I had no idea they grew so large! They must look magnificent at that size. :)

Maybe you better find out if they have a 12 step program for this addition addiction. ;) :)

Let us know how the store trip goes, and don't forget, there's always debit cards. :) :) ;)


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