new diabetic needs help!


DIS Veteran
Oct 20, 1999
Especially BREAKFAST?

What the heck can I eat? I loved my waffles, pancakes, muffins, donuts:sad2:
What about quiche? You could make it with egg beaters to make them even more healthy for you.

Ham and cheese or veggie quiche is yummy. You can make one and cut a slice each morning and reheat. This gives you a quick easy breakfast for the week.

Google Quiche and see what recipes you find that interest you.

Once your sugar is under control I am sure the occasional pancake wont hurt.

Good luck to you.
How about "real" porridge? I don't really know a lot about what is good or bad (only that sugar is bad) but that once you're under control you can eat pretty much anything as long as you are sensible - I hav a friend who has been diabetic since childhood and we're all used to him whipping out his epi-pen before eating.
Tomorrow it will be one month since I was diagnosed with diabetes. I went to the nutrionist a couple of weeks ago. One thing that she did say is that foods high in fiber help to regulate sugar. She said it was alright for me to eat 1/2 cup of fiber one cereal. She has me on three carb servings for breakfast. I also try and have a cup of berries and milk to round out the three card servings. I was thinking of trying the new fiber one pancake mix.
Tomorrow it will be one month since I was diagnosed with diabetes. I went to the nutrionist a couple of weeks ago. One thing that she did say is that foods high in fiber help to regulate sugar. She said it was alright for me to eat 1/2 cup of fiber one cereal. She has me on three carb servings for breakfast. I also try and have a cup of berries and milk to round out the three card servings. I was thinking of trying the new fiber one pancake mix.
And for a pancake syrup Ms. Butterworth's Sugar Free is great! (Made with Splenda).

Another tip, whole grain batters are great (Try buckwheat/oatmeal pancakes--yummy) and stay to what is described as a serving size (Usually 2 3-4 inch rounds)
I've been weighing and measureing like crazy! Here's a recipe for meatloaf.


9x13 pan ~ 350 F ~ 1 hour ~ 12 servings`~ 170 calories 5.5 carbs

Mix together

1# 85% ground beef
1# ground turkey
¾ cup raw oatmeal
1 C diced broccoli stems
1 C diced celery
½ C chopped onion
1 9 oz can diced tomatos

Whip together with a fork before adding

1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 egg
½ C milk

Mix it all together, bake and cut into 12 pieces.
I've been a Type I diabetic for nearly 36 years, but I just switched from the old exchange plan to carb counting about 6 months ago. I've been having an egg on a bagel with a piece of cheese pretty much every day. It's supposed to be 30 grams of carb when you use the small Lender's bagel. On weekends I might make French toast, but only 2 slices doesn't keep me as satisfied until lunch as the bagel sandwich does. I add variation by adding a tablespoon of Parmesan to the egg, or some chopped up ham leftover from a baked one or mushrooms. But honestly breakfast has always been a drag for me...I was never big on pancakes or doughnuts & cereal gets boring. I always preferred things like cold pizza or vegetable soup. LOL

The biggest pain for me was having to re-calculate all my recipes into carb grams. But I've done a few that I actually wrote down:
I make a tortilla soup that I figured to be about 20 - 21 grams per serving &
Chicken Divan that's about 20 grams/serving. I should have kept the ones I'd calculated in a separate folder, but I didn't. :(
From what I've read, it's not the sugar you have to worry about, it is the carb count instead, as piratesmate mentioned.

Also, you really can't just eat fiber and carbs/sugar. You NEED to eat a good protein with ANY carbs.

I've been on South Beach Diet for the past several weeks as I'm pre-diabetic. On Phase 1 I was losing weight just fine. But, it's not recommended to stay on Phase 1 for more than a couple weeks. as I've been slowly integrating into Phase 2 and slowly adding a miniscule amount of carbs back into my diet, I find I'm gaining the weight slowly back. :sad2: (I haven't even made it to Phase 3.)

I think I am going to have to change to a diabetic diet with the carb counting as I seem to be way to sensitive to carbs. :(

I never think of eating any foods just for "breakfast' or other foods should only be for lunch and dinner. When a person breaks their fast first thing in the morning after several hours of no eating, it is better to have a good protein and a (complex) carb. Not have something that is all sugar or carbs, the way america has been culturally trained to eat: waffles, pancakes, muffins, donuts.

Adult onset diabetes is one of the leading growing epidemics in AMERICA today vs. the rest of the world. Because children are now getting it, it is no longer referred to as "Adult onset diabetes." It's a cultural thing, not genetic. Simplified, it's caused by HOW we eat, how we over-tax the pancreas by overloading our bodies with sugar, until the pancreas fails to produce insulin properly.

In some ways, diabetics are being forced to eat properly the way we should have been eating, all along.

Also, instead of quiche, look up frittata. It is the crustless version of quiches.
I just had Gestational Diabetes when I was pregnant. For breakfast I ate light wheat toast with butter, cheese or peanut butter, eggs/omlettes with toast, plain greek yogurt (this has a filling consistency and lower carbs than regular yogurt) with splenda and or honey and a little granola, cereal with a 1/2 banana. There are a couple carb counting breads/light breads that have 15 or less carbs for 2 slices which is good. Have that with an egg, cheese and a meat for a really good sandwich.

The best thing that I did was go see a nutritionist. They taught me how many carbs I could have throughout the day eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and 3 snacks.

Wishing you all the best!
Cute family! Thank you, folks, for posting. I think this is a good discussion - every hint helps. I'm less 'freaked' than I was. Yesterday, I even had spaghetti squash leftovers for breakfast.
I use Agave syrup instead of honey, pancake syrup, etc., since it has a lower effect on glycemic values.

Look into using Stevia as a sweetener. For instance, during the summer I make a pitcher of lemonade using the following:

six cups of water;
3/4ths cup of fresh lemon juice;
one teaspoon of powdered stevia.

Mix well. Refrigerate. Drink the whole blasted pitcher for virtually no calories (I do not know how many calories are in lemon juice, but not that much).

I also recommend McCann's Instant Sugar Free Irish Oatmeal. Get if off Amazon for a good price. Puts Quaker Oats to shame.
I have recently bought Special K with protein, I saw the box at the nutrionists office and decided to try it. It is really good, 3/4 cup = 1 carb serving. 1/2 tsp cinnamon, skim milk and blueberries. Filling and yummy! I measure out 1 cup of skim milk, put some on cereal and then drink the rest.

I also just signed up on the Kraft foods website for a diabetic newsletter, with recipes.

The diabetic life site is good,,,, Better Homes and Gardens has a diabetes section as well.
Glucerna also makes cereals that are specifically for diabetics. They do not spike blood sugar levels. The strawberry cereal was yummy. :)

jrsmom, thanks for the web links. I'm going to go check them out. :goodvibes
Bought a box of Southbeach fiber fit double chocolate cookies. The box says if you eat too many, they could have a laxative effect.

I had one, after lunch. It was out of sight DELICIOUS - probably the best most intense chocolate cookie I had ever eaten. LOVED IT! Until about an hour later when I had serious cramps followed by a trot to the loo :o Kraft's rep said it was probably that I was unaccustomed to the sugar alcohol. whatever. I'll never eat them again.


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