Not quite ready for SLR


A girl can dream
Aug 20, 1999
I'd like to try the new Samsung pro 815 which has an optical x15 lens. But I know the canon S2 IS is a tried and true quality camera for its class.

Does anyone have any experience with the Samung Pro 815? dpreview gave it a good review, but I have yet to see one in person, and I'm thinking it might be as large as an SLR. I'm really looking for a consumer camera with a good quality optical lens at least x10 or more. I like the canon S2 IS, but this new samsung sure sounds like a good camera.
It's got DSLR size and price tag without the advatages of a DSLR. The review at dpreview, to me, was less than glowing. The following part of the review says it all for me:

The Pro815 only has one or two serious flaws, and there is much to like. Unfortunately those flaws are significant, and for some users fatal - particularly the sluggish shutter lag and telephoto focus and lack of IS. The fact that you must shoot raw to get anything like the full potential out of the lens also limits the usefulness of the camera unless you don't mind working at a fairly leisurely pace.

The camera has alot of neat features but I don't think it will perform very well under real world conditions.
run away real fast from that camera. I'd sooner recommend you a Kodak entry level point and shoot than that camera. Samsung sent me a unit to be reviewed and I decline their offer after using the camera for a week. It's a bad bad bad camera. The shutter lag is NEVER THE SAME from one shot to the next making it impossible to predict (and take) any time-sensitive shot. AF is hunting like there's no tomorrow.

Quite honestly, if you really are not ready for dSLR, just get a Canon S2 IS.
Then again, there's this news. Is this important, or no? I honestly haven't a clue... on the press release, DIWA praised the picture quality and performance, among other thigns ...

DIWA Awards Gold to Samsung Pro815

Amsterdam, 6. February, 2006 – DIWA (Digital Imaging Websites Association), a world-wide organisation of collaborating websites within digital imaging, today has the pleasure of announcing a DIWA Gold Award to the 8 Megapixel Samsung Pro815 digital megazoom camera.

Built around a fast 15x Schneider-Kreuznach Varioplan zoom lens, equivalent to 28-420mm f/2.2-4.6, with an amazing 3 cm super macro performance, the Pro815 holds the world record in terms of zoom power in a digital camera. It is also the first camera in the world with three LCD viewfinder solutions. The camera back is dominated by a gigantic 3.5” LCD-screen, supported by an electronic viewfinder, both with a resolution of 235K for detailed image rendering. To accomodate high or low shooting positions, a third 1.44” LCD display is located on top of the camera, doubling as an information panel. User friendliness is further enhanced by implementing grid lines for easy composition, live histogram, conventional zoom- and focus rings on the lens barrel, and a sofisticated hybrid AF system with nine focusing points and a powerful AF assisting lamp.
Thanks for the advice. It looked like it had some great features, but I can't find one anywhere to look at. The shutter lag is really a deal killer. I'll head for the canon. Thanks!
PQ alone using RAW is really good. However, the in-camera JPEG compression is bad (for that price) even at the largest file (lowest compression). Considering this camera is aimed towards daily non-pro users, I doubt if any casual user will use RAW.

Furthermore, the random shutter lag makes it impossible to time your shots.

But even if Samsung can take care of those two major problems, at that price, one might as well buy a low-end dSLR.
Forgot to mention, at ISO 400, Samsung's digital noise is atrocious. Imagine this: my very old Canon Rebel at ISO1600 is about as clean as Samsung's ISO200.

Also Samsung doesn't even give you the option for anything higher than ISO 400. (Understandable considering the high level of noise of ISO400)


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