Ok "corner stealers"... I'm calling you out... and you know who you are!

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I respectfully submit to the bench that this lawyer be removed from these proceedings and new counsel be provided to the so-called "four innocent individuals" she represented. Your Honor, counsel for the defendants is clearly under the influence of animated gifs, in light of the quoted speech below containing no less than nine (9) "rotfl2" animated gifs, one (1) "rotfl" gif, and a "drinking1" gif which clearly indicates impropriety on the part of defense counsel. We do not move for a mistrial, but ask that the defendants be given one week to find a more sober lawyer.

Pat (Denny Crane)

PeachyT said:

All heresay! I need cold hard written evidence! :rotfl2:

Just because you cannot lift your arms except to dance or wave does not mean said ownership signs could not have been posted. I wonder if this is a claim of a true disability or just an attempt to gain the jury's sympathy?!? :rotfl2:

Aha, so you admit that you abandoned said property! I would submit that in the jurisidiction of the Land of VMK, the four innocent individuals who have been attacked with such vicious lies have sufficiently met the time requirements to have gained ownership of said property through adverse possession. (We all know time passes much faster in the Land of VMK!) Thus with such ownership, said individuals have the rights to enjoy said property and engage in any activity on said property that is deemed lawful under the laws of the Land of VMK. :rotfl2:

And excusing people from the accusation?? First, excusing one party from the group would only encourage the finger to be pointed at that individual as the sole troublemaker and thus raise such issues of reasonable doubt that no jury would find the remaining parties guilty! Secondly, and more importantly, you allege that you found the four individuals to be a, and I quote, "all for one and one for all" type of group. Thus by dismissing one of the said individuals from the group, you implicity dismiss all individuals of the group. :rotfl2:

I'll discuss your offer with my clients, however, I believe my clients have a very strong case and should not settle on this matter! :rotfl2:

And as far as drinking on the job?? :drinking1.....

Okay fine, who's the bar tender around here? :rotfl:


BTW, IrishHockey, saw you for the first time the other night...great thread! I've enjoyed it! Hope all the legal-ese isn't too scary! lol! Can't we just get along?? LOL!!
I know that I am scared after all of that legal "mumbo-jumbo".

(Tiptoeing away from the scene quietly, hoping no one notices him).
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