Ok Guys Here Is Your Chance

shirley 38

DIS Veteran
Oct 9, 1999
John wants to learn how to pin trade. Like a little boy he will not listen to me. Not or purpose he is just use to tuning me out.
You fellows know what I mean.
Could you post one thing John should know about pin trading.
BELIEVE ME HE NEED HELP BADLY AND FOR ALL THE PEOPLE HE HAS PICKED ON NOWS THE TIME FOR PAY BACK. HE HE HE:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
MY best advice:

JOHN!!!!!! Ask Shirley first before you EVER agree to a trade!!!!!!! lol
She knows her stuff! YOU cannot go wrong......
Plus it woud make your life in general alot easier.....hehehehe


Here is the most important tip I can give you when it comes to pin trading. When you trade a pin and get another one in return. Always and I repeat always put the pin back on the pin before putting the hat back on. Heaven knows you have enough holes in your head already without adding any more. :rolleyes:

Shirley is right, John does need some guidance. (sorry John, we love you, but pin trading is an art)
I saw him trade two LE's for a german pin that someone had that he liked. Shirley was really good about it she said they were his pins and he could trade the way he wanted, but I saw her roll her eyes to heaven.
John, go to Pin Pics and look at the pins you have. Check out the desirability and edition size.
Then check out the pins you want, desirability and edition size. This will help you match up the pins you are willing to trade that you have with the pins you want.
Other than that, have fun. And keep up your trading with kids the way you did before. Do give them some Le's for their rack pins but check out the parents first. I always make sure they are not carrying the huge pin bag and are not loaded down with their own pins. I have run acros the parents who send the kid out for the pin I had just refused to trade with them. I love trading with kids, but not when they are being used by the parents.
And if you haven't learned a little by August, I have quite a few good pins I picked up at a clearance store for $1.99 for you. LOL like I said John I love you, I will take you by the hand in August and we can trade together. Ask Leslie, I am a better trader with other people's pins than I am with mine. Peggie
John, I stand by my previous advice to you - talk to your wife (oh, what a concept :)!) If you don't pay attention to what Shirley has to say about pin trading, you might find yourself home with the dog in August :)! And we all know how you feel when Shirley is at WDW without you!
My Way (didn't Frank Sinatra sing this).

Hey Jeff---You learn something everyday, even at my age. I thought those pin backs just kept them on the little card. From now on I will use them to keep the pins on "THE HAT". Now I can remove the bandage on my head. ----Thanks

Everbody is so nice, but maybe I should stick to Golf or Bass Fishing.

I thought I did a good job trading in May. The thing I can't understand. After I made a trade, the person ran away. All but Ward---He just laughed. This is good. I like making people happy.

With everbody now looking over my shoulder (I feel protected), I look forward to all of your help in August.

OOOPS !!! My watch buzzer went off----Time to take a pill.-------john59
Just a suggesstion John - stay with Shirly - you may want to set up a "code" word or gesture with her. If she says something like "I'm looking for purple and green pins" or gently steps on your foot, you may be about to make not the best trade in in the world.
Judy Sue, I'm laughing at yoru comment to John about the possibiltiy that Shirley "gently steps on your foot." Can't you see John now "talking loudly" to Shirley asking why she just stepped on his foot!? I like your idea of a code word/phrase.

John, you might like golf or bass fishing, but remember Shirley NEEDS you to help her buy LE pins :). See you are good for something!!
the first rule of pin trading is:

When you see a short little freckled woman with a nametag with goofymom on it....you need to give her all your Mary Poppins pins from you hat. She will in turn give you a smile and a few pins....this is the main rule to trading you must always give this person your Mary pins.....lol!!! Maybe hipnotism will work better.....

actually first rule is like what your trading for and its always a good deal....

cindy ( the short freckled woman named goofymom)


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