only two days left - Why can't I get it together?


A little crazy cat named Lorelei
Apr 1, 2001

I only have two days left, and I can't seem to get my packing completed. I do not know what it is. I have just been overwhelmed with the last day of school packing, family gatherings, an unexpected family death.. etc. etc.

Should I make a list of everything that I need to do and do them one by one?
Hubbie has been very helpful, but I can't even communicate to him what I need to get done.

OMG, I am going nuts.

hopefully I will get up in the middle of the night and pack.
All I can think about are the palm trees, however.

HELP!!!!!!!!!! :hyper:
Purrrrfecta, Sounds like you really really need this vacation. I can truly emphasize with your plight. I am in same boat as you on packing and I didn't really have crisis as you have had, my stresses not withstanding . I'm just not very organized. It will be interesting to see since we have two diffrent hotal reservation on this trip and I'll have to divide our bags by the day.

My redeemimg factor is the form of my husband "the master packer" I'll have him do most of the packing. My advise to you would be to use your "better half" and put him to work~

You are right I do need this vacation. I also realized that I had not taken my iron tablets in a while (still breast feeding and anemic)
After I started the thread I thought about it and took the correct dosage with the prenatal vitamin, and already this morning my head is clear. I CAN THINK!!!!

So I am on the way to getting things done. Just hope I do not forget many things on this trip!

Thanks for your advise,



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