Opinions please, on a twin book.

What do I make for twins? (girls)

  • Make 2 identical books?

  • Make one green, one yellow?

  • Make 1 book, with each side of the layout for one or the other?

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DIS Veteran
Sep 2, 2011
A friend is having twins in july, and I'd like to make up a quickie book, 6x6, with each layout a month at a time theme.
Help with the poll and any other advice!
Well my husband is neither a DISser or a crafter...but he does encourage me when I do make things, and his opinion is wait to make 100% sure they are both girls and then make two 12x12 albums with some identical pages, and some pages that use the same paper and embellishments but in different ways. He doesn't ask for much does he?!?!?!?!:headache:
Yes, your DH is absolutely right in making sure they are 100% both girls!!! :)

I have albums for all my kids...and if I had twins they each would have their own book and then I would have a book of their things together... :)

I will tell you.. if I had scrapped when DD was born in '93.. I would have been in big trouble.. my US was done and my OB/GYN told me she was 99.9% positive I was having a boy.... Needless to say when I delivered and she told me it was a girl.. I made the nurse get my Dad and bring him in to verify that it was indeed a girl! My Dad thinks he is the coolest thing ever as he had to verify that I had a girl! :)
Oh My Goodness!
I really want to give her a gift at the shower, but I am worried about them not being both girls....what to do, what to do?
I can't help you with the sex, but with having a special set of twins in my life, we try to recognize they are two different people. So i think some similarities are nice just to find a mix, imho
What's a scrapper to do with a bargain? Shop, of course!
mic's had some 12x12 albums for $5, so I picked up a pink and purple plus about ten different papers I was able to match patterns on in those colors. Hoping for girls!
I personally think it would be nice for each baby to have their own album - I do agree with using some of the same papers etc for each
I saw those albums at Michael's - was a good deal
I would try to not make identical books or pages for the twins. They will each have their own personalities and identities. I like your DH's idea even though it is a lot more work!
Three ultrasounds have shown that it will be girls.
So I am going ahead with 2 albums, one pink the other purple.
Trying to make the same layouts with different color papers, and a few layouts with the same title/theme but unmatching papers.
When I get around to making some, I'll post them.
I'm a bit late in the discussion but u/s mean nothing in my books. When I was pregnant with my triplets they were certain that I was having 2 girls and 1 boy. We had u/s biweekly from week 12-18 and then weekly until I gave birth at 30 week. Surprise, I have 3 girls LOL

for my girls I do identical books simply because it's easier LOL
Hi there,

I'm a Twin myself. I love the idea of you making one album pink and the other one purple.
Making the pages different is a great idea as well-this gives each Princess her own identity.

My Mom used these colors for my twin sister and I when we were little. My sister's color was pink and mine was purple.

Enjoy making the albums!! I can't wait to see the pages.

Hi everyone! My kids and I just enjoyed a week and a half in the muggy south, and loved it! We visited my dad in Myrtle Beach, and his wife decided not to keep her cricut ex[ression and gave it to my daughter and I!! Woohoo! then we traveled to the Outer Banks to visit with cousins we haven't seen in three years. Lots of giggles and boyfriend talk.

Now I'm home and I have 20 days to my trip and then the babies are being delivered that next week....and they have changed baby #1's name three times since May!!!!! I sent the mom a text checking in and asking if I should go ahead and make the purple book, as I gave her a little pre-showing of the pink one during her shower, and she said I better wait another week just to be sure. I'm going to be gluing pages together while she is pushing!


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