Pal Mickey Poll A

How many Pal Mickey dolls did you see on your recent trip?

  • Everybody and their cousin had one. They were everywhere!

  • We saw lots of them.

  • We saw several of them each time we went out.

  • We only saw a handful during our trip.

  • We didn't see any Pal Mickeys at all.

  • What is a Pal Mickey?

Results are only viewable after voting.


Is Pal Mickey a success or a complete bust, or somewhere in between. This poll and the following one attempt to answer this question.

If you've been to WDW in the last few months, how many Pal Mickeys did you see?
We were there in Feb 03 and didn't see a one... although I recall seeing a stack of Mickey dolls at WOD that could have been these. We are planning on getting one for our DGS when we return in November (maybe even one for our adult DD too!)


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