Panda Ramblings


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
Coming into Focus

When you look through a telescope everything is blurry until you turn the axis wheel to bring everything into focus, clear and sharp. That same concept, bringing your mind into clear focus is the magic, will insure success, in making life changes. We can’t reach a goal that we can’t see. That is what holds a lot of people back, not only from achieving their goals, but not even really knowing what their goals are. Making a goal, self promise, resolution or commitment is like looking through that telescope before you dial in the correct focus, everything is blurry.

Saying that you will be a better person, lose weight, have a more positive attitude, all sounds like good resolutions for the new year. But unless you define what those goals mean to you personally and then write them down, you will just be looking at them like the blurry telescope picture before it’s made clear. If you what to succeed, then first decide on one goal; “I want to have a more positive attitude”, break it down into clear sharp focus. If you just try to achieve that goal of being more positive, and it is not clear, you really don’t know how you are going to do it or even know when you have.

To stay with that goal of having a more positive attitude, start with deciding what that means to you. “I want to feel better about the way I look. I want to have more energy, so I don’t feel so tired all the time”. Now that goal of having a more positive attitude is starting to take shape. Once you decide on what the goal means to you, then you can start planning how to achieve it. The examples I mentioned are near and dear to a lot of people. They want to improve how they look and feel better about themselves, but lack the energy to get started. So for this specific example, increasing that energy level is a good place to start.

Having more energy is achieved in steps. A first good step is to get a physical to make sure you don’t have any health problems that need to be addressed. Second is to look at your diet. Are you eating good healthy food and drinking plenty of water or are you living on processed food and soft drinks. Finally, getting in motion regularly will have an amazing affect on that energy level.

So starting with a desire, “I want to have a more positive attitude”. We have broken it down to, “I will be more positive if I feel better about myself and have more energy”, to finally: “I will get a check up, clean up my eating, drink plenty of water and get regular exercise”. When you get to this level in defining your goal, it’s time to write down your plan. “I will make an appointment for a physical. I will stop drinking soft drinks and replace them with natural liquids like fruit juice and water. I will go for a 30 min walk every afternoon“. These are clear steps to achieving the goal of having more energy, so you won’t feel tired all the time, making you feel and look better, and ultimately, giving you a more positive attitude.

This was, of course, just an example. The point is to have a clear picture of what you are wanting to change and then planning how achieve that change.

Thanks for reading.



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