Phone Call from DVC Membership today


There is a special place in heaven for the mother
Jun 24, 2000
This morning I was a little surprised and (the more I thought about it) annoyed that DVC membership called me. They said they were calling to see how everything was and that they hadn't heard from us in a while regarding travelling, I'm sure. After I hung up the phone I started to feel annoyed that they would make these calls at such an improper time. Taking a vacation is one of the last things on my mind right now and I couldn't help but think they were just concerned about business, money, etc....any other DVC members get this call?
Perhaps they, like many of us, are just trying to go forward with as much normalcy as possible. My family is supposed to sail on 10/6, God willing. There is nothing we need more right now than normalcy and a vacation in fantasyland. I felt guilty just for wondering if our vacation was going to be interupted by all the horific activities of this past week. They I realized that thinking about our vacation has given me a few moments away from the reality of it all.
I have been getting a lot of email from various interline cruise companies, saying that thoughts and prayers are with us, and also stating that they will not be posting any more emails for the next weeks, in remembrance of those lost. I am not offended by this at all. At least they are acknowledging this tragedy.
I would just take the call with a grain of salt. I work for the airlines, and it is amazing what people say or do when they encounter me. Everyone grieves differently.Take care.
I understand what you guys are saying but the tone of this call was suspicious to me. Nothing mentioned about the tragedy, just that she hadn't heard from us for a while. I was surprised because we had just used all our pts in July for our 2nd cruise and I also had recently inquired about a Hawaii vacation next year. So this is why I felt the call was more of a curiosity call as to where we're at with things and if we want to keep membership or something like that. It was not a sympathy call at I actually took the opportunity to complain about problems we've had w/ getting a vacation at a Maui Resort.
I've been a DVC member for over 8 years and never received a call on a Sunday.

DVC does not have Saturday and Sunday hours.

This is suspicious
It was Megan who called on Saturday and I think she was the one who was selling for DVC on one of our cruises last year.
Sounds like a sales call not a Membership Services call. I received a call from a sales agent on a weekend, once. It is not very good salesmanship, but I would not get too bent out of shape about it. If you ever want to buy from them again, just request a different sales agent and explain why.
If this was Meagan Butler - she <i>does</i> work weekends. She's our guide, and we actually drove over on a Sunday afternoon to sign our papers with her.

She calls us, occasionally, also ... just to make contact. Maybe to let us know about a forthcoming price increase or sellout - or to thank us for referrals.

She's a salesperson, and I, for one, have never taken any offense from her calls. But, if her call bothered you, I'm sure you could ask her to not call again, and she would oblige.

We first looked into buying in 1996, but waited until 4/97 before we signed. She only called us during that time in response to "my" calls.
Actually, I wish our guide would call once in awhile. We have a different guide than we had at the beginning, and I miss those calls.
Over the years, our DVC guide has called on occasion to say "Hi" and to see how things are going. And yes, she has called over the weekend. She was not selling anything, just checking in. Actually we have become quite good friends. Maybe your guide was just trying to keep that friendly Disney spirit alive in these difficult times. As long as she was friendly and not pushy or rude I would give her the benefit of the doubt.
Our guide was Kim and I think he may be gone, great guy. Wish I knew who our guide is. I know I could call MS but they have enough to deal with.
Seems strange. Why does DVC care whether or not we travel? It may very well have been a trying to get "a foot in the door" to sell more points. Maybe they are concerned what will happen to the red hot sales now. But, I agree the timing was also kind of off. I wonder if there was any chance they suspected you might have been on one of the doomed flights based on your name and were calling to "check"? That's seems far-fetched but not impossible.

I've never had a call like that from a guide. I have had two over the last 8 years but I'm not even sure if my last one is still there.
We just went in for the tour with my MIL and her dh. (we are owners with two add ons, but had never had a "presentation" so we joined them on theirs) Their guide was a man named Kim....I believe short for Kimble (?) He's been there quite awhile, wonder if it's the same one you're referring to. Not many men named Kim...that's why I suspect it's him.

Kim Moore is still there he is my Vacation Guide. He called me Saturday also to see if I was going to go thru with an add on i talked to him about a few weeks ago. Got to think sales are real slow now with most people waiting to see whats in store for now. Many of my good friends and neighbors are NYC Police and Fireman and are down at the WTC. The stories thay are telling are horrible and vacation is the last thing on my mind.

Also Needed Member Services to switch points from one resort acount to another for my Easter reservation This was Done on and confirmed on Saturday Sept 01, so member services is open in a limited capacity maybe catching up on E-mails but not answering phones.



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