Photo arrangement help needed


My heart belongs to the beach
Jan 3, 2001
Having a 70th b-day party for mom. Want to display photos of her (birth - present) for guests to look at. Any ideas on how I should display them. I thought about arranging them on a poster board but I'd want it to look a little dressier. Also thought about framing all of them and arranging on a table.....frames could be costly though. What do you guys think??


When is the party - do you have time to make a scrapbook? That would be the best way to showcase the photos. If you don't have the time you could be a couple of those collection frames - they are usually 16X20 with spaces for around 10 photos. I did this 4 years ago (before I started to scrapbook) for my Mom's 60th birthday party.

I have also seen at Wal-mart these really nifty photo books that are very classy in appearance. They have beautiful graphics and text and cutouts for the photos to slide in. They are priced right (starting at $5.97 and up) and can be found in the stationery department.

When the DH of one of my friends passed away, I offered to take his pictures and put together a display. I thought about a scrapbook, but this was a huge funeral and it really wasn't very practical. I ended up buying one of those science project boards (black) and arranged them on that. I also scanned them, cropped and enlarged them. Bigger pictures have more impact when on display. It really looked nice.

Sadly, the man had two young sons and there were so few pictures of him with his youngest.
They used a long roll of white paper (very long) and arranged the pictures like a time line over the 50 years. The roll went round three walls of a rather sizeable banquet room. 70 years is a long time - That's a lot of pictures to frame, even if there's only one per year...
We just had a 60th for my Mom and my sister and I just used existing frames. We pulled our own pictures out and popped pics of Mom in for the day. It was a money saver and worked really well.
Thanks for all the great ideas!

I've decided to arrange the pictures (birth-present) under plexi-glass placed on each table.
so the pics are the "table cloth" ~ cool huh?

Putting the pictures under Plexi-Glass is a great idea. Will the pictures on each table be different? If so, it will really have your guests mingling as everyone visits other tables to see all the pictures.
PHEW~ The party was a success and so were my "table clothes"! I copied and blew the photos up into different sizes and cut them into different shaps and arranged them in a collage. It looked sooooooo good. Everyone commented on how nice they looked and yes each table had a different assortment of photos. Mom was so surprised. What a great day.



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