Pins on Amazon?


DIS Veteran
May 20, 2012
I do not have an Ebay account, but I do shop Amazon frequently. Is Amazon a known scrapper location also? Has anyone had good experiences with a certain seller? I would love to get some pins for my upcoming trip (all the pins I have now I want to keep!)
oh wow, i didn't realize pins were being sold on amazon. i'm in trouble now!!!
I went ahead an ordered a lot from Amazon, will report on the seller when it arrives. I picked the seller based on 95% positive over the last 12 months with over 1,000 reviews. Now I'm crossing my fingers!
i'm crossing mine too for ya and yes please let us know ..... i for one would like to know for sure if that is a good way to go rather than leave it to chance on Ebay.
Just got my pins in and they look pretty good.
Bought from Toy Box Collectors Shop, lot of 25 for 25.00

However, on close inspection some (not all) of the pins are scrappers! There seems to be a mix of both. Bummer!
If you pay $1 or less per pin, many are probably not from the actual parks..
If you pay $1 or less per pin, many are probably not from the actual parks..

If you are buying a lot of pins for a too good to be true price...they are more than likely fake. Please do not bring these pins to the parks to trade. It just is not fair to the people who legitimately purchase Disney pins to trade.
Lesson learned!
Anyone have good craft ideas for my scrappers? I wouldn't feel comfortable trading them!
If you are buying a lot of pins for a too good to be true price...they are more than likely fake. Please do not bring these pins to the parks to trade. It just is not fair to the people who legitimately purchase Disney pins to trade.

While I dont disagree that some of them are probably fakes, I think many of them are overruns / seconds. It would be like buying 'defected' name brand clothing at a huge discount.. I'm still on the fence about the whole cheap lots.. And especially pins that are listed not as fakes, but overruns.. You would still more then likely see the same pins on CM lanyards, because people are going to buy the 'sale' pins etc that WDW has anyway if they are trading.. I've done my share of 'collecting' in the past and the only people that make out on that are people that know someone that will make sure they get the pins at the retail price, employees that buy the pins when they first come in, or people that 'live' at the parks / go pretty much every day to be able to take advantage. And of course Disney..
I ordered these pins off Amazon - I only paid around $17 for 25 pins.


A lot of them scream "scrappers" or "defective"- especially the gold one on the bottom. There are "issues" with just about all of them.

I only bought them to decorate our lanyards for our upcoming trip. I don't recall trading with cm's more than a couple times during our entire trip in the past.
Lesson learned!
Anyone have good craft ideas for my scrappers? I wouldn't feel comfortable trading them!

I either break the post off and glue a magnet on or I use them as push pins in corkboards that we have for notes. :) I also have some Nemo pins (the fish bags) that I put in a frame in the bathroom with a cute cross stitch. :) There are a lot of ways to "reuse" scrappers.

While I dont disagree that some of them are probably fakes, I think many of them are overruns / seconds. It would be like buying 'defected' name brand clothing at a huge discount.. I'm still on the fence about the whole cheap lots.. And especially pins that are listed not as fakes, but overruns.. You would still more then likely see the same pins on CM lanyards, because people are going to buy the 'sale' pins etc that WDW has anyway if they are trading.. I've done my share of 'collecting' in the past and the only people that make out on that are people that know someone that will make sure they get the pins at the retail price, employees that buy the pins when they first come in, or people that 'live' at the parks / go pretty much every day to be able to take advantage. And of course Disney..

Disney has no overruns or seconds, if you have these you have scrappers. Just like purses, Disney does not approve of overruns.
isn't that gold one called a chaser or something? i thought I had someone tell me that before?
I use any that I think is a scrapper as a place holder on my boards for the ones I need to complete my sets. Gives me a visual as to which in the set I need.

I put a little post it type of paper that has "scrapper" written under it.
i'm not sure about the gold one, but all of your other pins are legit disney pins. they are cast member hidden mickey pins, and you will find many collectors looking for them. that alphabet series is fairly new and i know several people (including myself) who try to get the entire alphabet!
they have lots of pins on amazon. not sure if they are scrappers.
i bought some off amazon earlier this year
So is it safe to say that buying online, that the majority of the pins are scrapper pins? What happens to someone that trades them in the park?


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