"Pooh-sized" Advice needed


DIS Veteran
Jun 16, 2011
Is there a forum on here to help those of us with more ample body size. I know at Disney, everything is accessible, but I have heard that is not true at Universal. I am looking for a forum or way I can find out the dimensions of the rides. Thanks in advance.
Not sure I've ever seen seat dimensions written anywhere.

Do a search for various threads....there have been a few over the last year or so with people concerned about fitting on certain rides.

No one size fits all with larger folk......Body dimensions and where you carry your weight affects whether you can ride or not as opposed to just a size.

There are test seats you should try when you're there.......don't automatically think you won't fit something.......I'm big and I fit in everything.
What schmugigirl said, there are tons of threads about it, I even had one not that long ago. What size are you? I'm an 18/20 and I fit on everything except Dueling Dragons, and that's because my chest was too big to bring the harness down. And I was within a couple inches of buckling it. Surprisingly, I even fit on RRR, and I was shocked at that. And even if you do NOT fit in the test seat outside, you might be surprised that you fit on the actual ride. That is the case for me with Forbidden Journey.


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