Potato Salad


DIS Veteran<br><font color=green>The other day I f
Nov 5, 2000
Anyone have a good recipe?

Also do you boil the potatoes whole or cut them up first? Which way works better?
This is something I no longer make often, but I've never had a recipe...just my Grandmother's "Until it looks right" measurements. :confused3 Sorry.

I can tell you, though, that it makes a HUGE difference to the taste by boiling 1 or 2 eggs in with the potatoes. I never cut or peel the potatoes before boiling - it's much easier to do it once they're cooked & cooled a bit. Oh - I also salt the water when boiling.

To the potatoes & chopped egg, I also add diced celery & bacon if the mood strikes me. The dressing is similar to what we use for cole slaw: mayo, brown mustard, vinegar, sugar/sweetener, ground celery seed (or celery salt)...that's about it. You can add salt & pepper to taste - I don't bother.
I've never boiled potatoes whole. How long do you cook them?
Sorry - I have no clue! :lmao: As Gram would say, "until they stick done!" :lmao: :lmao:

Seriously it will depend on the size & density of the potato, but I'm guessing maybe 20 minutes because the eggs are always hard-boiled when the potatoes are done.

I actually have recipes for this in my old PA Dutch cookbooks, but they're still packed away after our February re-do. DH has been busy with his classes & hasn't gotten my stuff back for me yet. Maybe I can find some instructions online though. BRB
OK - I've checked quite a few recipes & only found one that said anything about time for cooking the potatoes. The rest just assume you know, although many tell you to peel & quarter them first. The main reason I don't is that Gram said it was a waste of time since they peel so much easier after cooking. ;) I'm still thinking it must be about 15 - 20 minutes because of the egg. (I hard boil my Easter eggs by bringing them to a boil, burning them to Low, cover & cook for 20 min. So cooking at a boil for 15 is probably enough.)

I forgot to mention earlier that my mother always made hers with minced onion. I don't because onions make me break out in hives. I think she used both celery salt & celery seeds in it too. Then at times she would also throw in some green pickle relish or chopped gerkins. She also always put in chopped parsley, but I never cared for it since it wasn't all the "chopped"...as a kid I hated the taste of anything green :rotfl2: and sprinkled with paprika before serving.

Oh - and for the vinegar...years ago I only used cider vinegar. Now I don't even have it in the house. LOL I use red wine vinegar for everything that doesn't get balsamic or rice vinegar.

While checking for cooking times I found one recipe that looks about right if you want help with measurements.

PA Dutch Potato Salad
* 1 cup mayonnaise
* 1 T. prepared yellow mustard
* 2 T. apple cider vinegar
* 2 T. sugar
* 1/4 tsp. celery seed
* 1 tsp. salt
* 1/4 tsp. pepper
* 6 medium potatoes - peeled, cooked, and diced
* 1/2 cup - chopped celery
* 1/2 cup chopped onion
* 3 hard boiled eggs - chopped
* 1/4 tsp. paprika

In a small bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, sugar, celery seed, salt and pepper. Set aside. In a large bowl, stir the diced potatoes, chopped celery , onion and hard boiled eggs together. Add the mayonnaise mixture to the vegetable mixture. Gently stir all the ingredients together. Refrigerate for at for least 1 hour before serving. Sprinkle with the paprika just before serving.
I make a basic potato salad. I also don't really measure, just go by what looks right for the amount of people I'm feeding.

Boil potatoes until fork tender. Drain and let cool. Peel and cut into large cubes. Add 2 (or so) stalks chopped celery, one small onion diced, salt and pepper to taste. Dress with Miracle Whip (or similar product). My mom never used mayo for her potato salad as she would macaroni salad or coleslaw so I don't either. I guess it gives it that vinegary taste. *shrugs*
Sometimes I add a few diced hard boiled eggs and a bit of yellow mustard.
Don't over mix or you will have mashed potato salad.
Now see, I use Miracle Whip for everything - even when it says not to. LOL It's all my mother ever used and I find mayo to be too bland. IMHO it's all what you are used to.

There is definitely a taste difference, but I've always thought that it came from the addition of some spice rather than vinegar. BUT in reading about the differences ( Googled it one time) it seems that most people think MW tastes vinegar-y and yet sweeter. :confused3 I believe it has more calories per serving, which are probably due to extra carbs from sugar. :rolleyes: Since we put vinegar and sugar/sweetened in most things that's probably why I like it better. ;)
Like others here, I don't use a recipe. I just throw it together till it seems "right"...

I always add some sour cream and dijon mustard in with the mayo. (I use mayo, altough my mom always used Miracle Whip; I didn't know there was a difference till I was in my teens, because we called MW "mayo"!! :rotfl: )

Adding some cooked, crumbled, thick-sliced bacon is a great addition as well.
I use any potatoes, boil till done and halve or qaurter if big - I don't peel (that way I can say its healthy :rotfl2: ). Mix with mayo, chopped spring onions (sallets?) and chives. If you want a bit more flavour add some pesto to the mix. I use a wooden spoon to mix to stop the potatoes breaking up too much.
The absolute BEST Potato Salad Recipe on the Planet! When I make this I never have leftovers!

6 Medium Potatoes (any kind) (Medium is baker size, you should have a pan full, I use any kind of potatoe, like regular idaho)
3 Tablespoons white Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Canola Oil (or salad oil)
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
2 Teaspoons prepared Mustard

1/2 Small Onion Chopped
4 Hard Boiled Eggs (large)
2/3 Cup Mayonnaise (NOT Miracle Whip)
1/3 Cup heavy cream, if desired
Salt and Pepper to taste

Boil potatoes (you can boil them in the jackets or cut the skin off and cut them into bite size pieces) You boil them until a knife inserted in them goes in smoothly... you don't want them "undone" and if the knife doesn't just slide in they will be "crunchy" when you are done.

Meanwhile make marinade of vinegar, oil, salt, sugar and mustard. If you boil the potatoes in the jackets, cut them up while still hot, otherwise just drain the water and place hot potatoes in a bowl. Sprinkle marinade over the potatoes and lightly stir to coat all of them. Cover and let stand in a fridge for about 5 or 6 hours or overnight. Add remaining ingredients and serve. Serves 6-8.

Hi Sandy!

I really like the one from the back of the mayo jar...they say to cut up the potatoes first but I just boil them whole the peel and slice after. I boil them till fork tender but not too soft. About 20 - 25 minutes.

here is the recipe:

Hey Lauren!

I ended up making a combination of several recipes and it turned out very good. Too good, I ate a LOT of it and it was so bad for my diet. I don't know what it is about potato salad, if I know there are leftovers in the fridge, it's all I can think about. LOVE potato salad. Might sound a little odd, but my favorite ingredient is big chunks of chopped dill pickle. I'm glad it's kind of time comsuming to make or I'd be eating it a lot more often. ;)
I cheat on this one. I go to Sam's Club and purchase the premade potato salad, and then add about a dozen (sometimes more) hard boiled choped eggs, a lot of mustard (I do it by taste), vinegar and pepper. It comes out great and saves me a ton of time.


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