"Pre" Save the dates?? Please Help!


DIS Veteran
Apr 10, 2006
I'm looking to get an idea of how many guests actually want to attend my DFTW. I'm inviting somewhere between 150-200 guests. I know that half (or possibly more than that) will choose to not attend, however I want to know how many guests would attend, so that I can choose the venue for the reception. Has anyone done something like this? I'm planning on printing up a little letter and making an announcement at my engagement party next month and having them place thier response in a basket. What can I say so that people don't feel pressured or obligated to make a decision so quickly?
I didn't do a Pre-STD, but we did send out pre-RSVP's. Of course we started planning our December '07 wedding in May '07. I designed a card listing the basic information for our wedding. Inside the card was a "pre-RSVP" postcard for our guests to return. That gave everyone a heads up if they need to ask off from work and gave us an idea of who was even interested in attending.

Here are some awful pictures:




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