Pre-Trip Report(24) - Weight Yo-Yo


If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remembe
Dec 29, 2010
Pre-Trip Report - 24 days to go before our split stay at BLT and BWV in a two bedroom suite.

My weight goes up and down like a Yo-yo.

Two years ago, I lost over 20 lbs and kept a regular exercise program. Overall, I've done a decent job keeping in off. I've been away from gym for a couple weeks. I'm going back today.

Last August, on our first DVC trip, I didn't think I was over eating. We mostly ate counter service and a only a couple buffet's. With all the walking, heat and sweating, you'd think I could stay neutral on the scale. Nope. I gained 8 lbs.

That's a pound a day.

Worst part was that I really didn't lose it on my return home. DW and I got serious first of this year and I lost the about 10 and I'm stuck there.

Admittedly, I've laxed the last couple weeks. With 24 days to go, I'm going to lose a few lb's in next couple weeks. I need to make room for Beaches n' Cream, Norway & Boardwalk bakery, large egg sandwiches and etc... I don't care what I look like in a bathing suit. I just want to feel good walking my favorite trails. :)

I know my track record. But, I want to partake in all the yummy goodness of WDW. I'll bring pictures. :stir: popcorn::
I hear ya!

I've lost about 30 pounds, slowly, over the last 3 years. Each year, I tell myself I want to lose 10 more pounds by the time my next vacation rolls around. I've been successful every year...until now. I am still 11 pounds shy of my goal and we leave in just over 3 weeks. It wouldn't be healthy for me to lose that much weight in that short of time, plus it would all bounce right back.

So far, I've been on a good "roller-coaster"...I lose 10 pounds and gain 5 back...lose 10, gain I am still losing weight overall, but it is slow going. This past weekend, we had a garage sale and my DD6 saw some jeans that I was selling. They were size 16 (I'm in a 10-12 now) and she said, "MOM!!! Were you pregnant or just really fat when you wore those?" I lost the weight so gradually, it never really hit me just how overweight I was. I have never had body image issues so I never thought of myself as "fat". I've always been comfortable with my size, still am, but I am more concerned with my overall fitness.

It helps that I have a very physically demanding job (paramedic) but it also makes it difficult to squeeze in a proper workout. I've started trying to walk/jog about a mile a day in order to get in shape for WDW, but I get so sore afterwards that it makes my 14-hour shifts at work very difficult.

Speaking of that...I have to hit the road now!

See you in three weeks:flower3:!
I hear ya!

I've lost about 30 pounds, slowly, over the last 3 years. Each year, I tell myself I want to lose 10 more pounds by the time my next vacation rolls around. I've been successful every year...until now. I am still 11 pounds shy of my goal and we leave in just over 3 weeks. It wouldn't be healthy for me to lose that much weight in that short of time, plus it would all bounce right back.

So far, I've been on a good "roller-coaster"...I lose 10 pounds and gain 5 back...lose 10, gain I am still losing weight overall, but it is slow going. This past weekend, we had a garage sale and my DD6 saw some jeans that I was selling. They were size 16 (I'm in a 10-12 now) and she said, "MOM!!! Were you pregnant or just really fat when you wore those?" I lost the weight so gradually, it never really hit me just how overweight I was. I have never had body image issues so I never thought of myself as "fat". I've always been comfortable with my size, still am, but I am more concerned with my overall fitness.

It helps that I have a very physically demanding job (paramedic) but it also makes it difficult to squeeze in a proper workout. I've started trying to walk/jog about a mile a day in order to get in shape for WDW, but I get so sore afterwards that it makes my 14-hour shifts at work very difficult.

Speaking of that...I have to hit the road now!

See you in three weeks:flower3:!

I eased off my workouts partly due to some pain. I've been feeling a little discomfort in my hip. I think it's great advice to increase the walking plan and I do walk most lunch hours. New sneakers are feeling great. I need to try my new athletic sandals on a long walk.
Down 2 lbs this week so far !!!

Have fun and great job on keeping the weight off !!!
OK, so you have inspired me. I have dropped 2 pounds since your post and need to drop 2 more by next Thursday. Mind over matter . . . fasting! Hopefully I can resist the Track-Fries and Trackburger at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Sunday. High of 92F and the track temps will be in the 120's. Maybe I'll lose 2 pounds of water weight!:scared1:

I generally add 4-8 pounds per Disney trip, but lose 3-4 in the first 2-3 days home. I think the salty popcorn contributes to some water retention/weight. We don't do the DDP, so it helps that I am not ordering the largest, most expensive item on the menu and eating dessert with every meal. Some of the beverages around the WS at EP contribute to the weight gain, I suppose.:confused3

Good luck with your efforts. :thumbsup2
OK, so you have inspired me. I have dropped 2 pounds since your post and need to drop 2 more by next Thursday. Mind over matter . . . fasting! Hopefully I can resist the Track-Fries and Trackburger at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Sunday. High of 92F and the track temps will be in the 120's. Maybe I'll lose 2 pounds of water weight!:scared1:

I generally add 4-8 pounds per Disney trip, but lose 3-4 in the first 2-3 days home. I think the salty popcorn contributes to some water retention/weight. We don't do the DDP, so it helps that I am not ordering the largest, most expensive item on the menu and eating dessert with every meal. Some of the beverages around the WS at EP contribute to the weight gain, I suppose.:confused3

Good luck with your efforts. :thumbsup2

Cool that I've inspired you.

You've described my issue to a tee. I hate when people say, "You'll walk it off". Everyone is different and I do tons of walking but nothing works better than eating less. Good Luck !!! :thumbsup2
I feel your pain. I always try to lose a few lbs. before WDW because despite working out everyday and walking 10 miles a day in the parks I still gain 6-8 lbs in an 8-9 day trip. I think it is because I eat so many things at Disney that my body is not used to trying to metabolize. :confused3

I am going in 19 days and want to lose an additional 3 lbs so it's not so hard when I get back
Pre-Trip Report - 24 days to go before our split stay at BLT and BWV in a two bedroom suite.

My weight goes up and down like a Yo-yo.

Last August, on our first DVC trip, I didn't think I was over eating. We mostly ate counter service and a only a couple buffet's. With all the walking, heat and sweating, you'd think I could stay neutral on the scale. Nope. I gained 8 lbs.

I thought I was the only one who had a major gain at Disney like that. I gained 7lbs during my Sept. trip and those lbs never came back off:sad2: I'm working on that now, but am worried that I will put them all back on in November when we have the DxDP. I'd never gained on previous trips, so here's hoping it won't be as bad next time:eek:
Incredibly, I've lost SIX POUNDS in the last 2 weeks!!!

I've been out riding my bike (between 5-10 miles each trip) and really watching my calorie intake so I think that has helped, but I can't figure out how 6 pounds fell off:lmao:.

In addition to watching my calories and trying to stay around 1200 per day, I also pack my diet with protein. Here's an example of what I eat in a typical day...

2 egg whites with 1/4 cup spinach, 1 slice of turkey bacon and a slice of 2% American Cheese (116 cal, 14g protein)
1 packet of sugar-free brown sugar cinnamon oatmeal with 1.5oz apple slices (126 cal, 4g protein)
1 piece of low-fat mozzarella string cheese (60 cal, 8g protein)
1 "cup" of fat-free Greek Yogurt (130 cal, 12g protein)
Fiber One brownie (90 cal, 1g protein)
EAS Carb-Control protein shake (110 cal, 17g protein)
5oz mesquite grilled chicken breast (183 cal, 33g protein) *Sam's Club*
1 package of Green Giant broccoli and cheese sauce (150 cal, 5g protein)
3 Turkey and Pork Meatballs (Schwan's) with 1/8 cup marinara sauce (139 cal, 13g protein)
1 Lean 15 Protein shake (100 cal, 15g protein)

TOTAL: 1204 calories, 122g of protein

I spread out the meals/snacks so that I am eating small portions every 2-3 hours. I find that when I feel hungry, it is easier to resist snacking when I know that I can eat something in an hour. I chew gum or drink a bottle of water to get me through cravings. When I am at work (14 hours on an ambulance) I know that my lunch bag is packed with all of the food I can eat for the day. I can eat EVERYTHING in my bag and still remain within my diet. I also take 2 HydroxyCut pills twice a day to help curb my appetite. I've found that it really helps to reduce my "boredom eating".

I highly recommend an app/website called It tracks your daily calorie intake and tells you how many calories you need to consume to achieve your weight loss goal. It also allows you to input any cardio exercises that you do which allows you to eat more calories:). It has a bar code scanner so it is really easy to input calories, and it also has a huge database of restaurant foods, produce and just about any food imaginable. I find that it really holds me accountable for what I am eating and gives me the motivation to keep going. Cheat days are going to happen (can anyone say Olive Garden?:lmao::lmao:) but the key is to get back on track quickly.

(Wow...just realized all the rambling I've done...sorry about clogging up the thread:rolleyes:)
@homeatssr - Glad to see I'm not the only one with this issue.

@kristenrice - You obviously have the passion for this issue. Seems I've lost mine for the moment and I've gained a couple pounds since this post. I've been working out and mostly with weights, stationary bike and walking. Reminds me of my fitness instructor from many years ago that said exercise is only about 20 % of the weight loss equation. Keeping your trap shut is 80%. :lmao:

Exercise is great for many other health benefits including my peace of mind. Still, the yo-yo continues ...
@homeatssr - Glad to see I'm not the only one with this issue.

@kristenrice - You obviously have the passion for this issue. Seems I've lost mine for the moment and I've gained a couple pounds since this post. I've been working out and mostly with weights, stationary bike and walking. Reminds me of my fitness instructor from many years ago that said exercise is only about 20 % of the weight loss equation. Keeping your trap shut is 80%. :lmao:

Exercise is great for many other health benefits including my peace of mind. Still, the yo-yo continues ...

Keeping my trap shut is definitely 80% of my problem...LOL...:rotfl: At least this week I can say I'm having a good week! Hopefully I can keep it up.:yay:
I am almost starting to worry a little...

I haven't really decreased my intake and I haven't drastically increased my exercise....yet I've lost almost 10 pounds in the last 3 weeks:confused3. I was down to 154.5 this morning, down from 164 on May 26. On one hand, I'm ecstatic that I've lost the weight (and inches too), but OTOH, I cannot positively attribute it to any effort on my part. I'm hoping that I am not getting sick:sick:.

About five years ago, a co-worker told me that there is no secret to losing weight. It is very simple...burn off more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. That is the very simple plan that I follow. It allows me to still eat what I want, but I make better choices. Do I want a 250-calorie candy bar? Or would I rather have 130-cal Greek yogurt and a 90-cal chocolate Fiber One brownie? Either would satisfy my sweet tooth, but the brownie and yogurt will fill me up longer and provide far better nutrition...but I can still choose the candy bar if I want:laughing:.


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