price diff to upgrade 10daynonexpMYWhop to DVC AP?


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Nov 28, 2004
planning on changing my 10day non exp MYW hopping ticket to a DVC AP - whats the price difference I should expect?
What did you pay for the 10 non-Expiring hoppers? An AP with the DVC discount is $334 plus tax. I think we paid about $355 each total. I thought the 10 day hoppers were about $410 for non-expiring.
ack! I dont know - just looked through my folder from last Aug when we bought them and nothing in there
so if it was more to get the MYW tick guess it would be better to hang onto it and buy a DVC AP for this year instead of upgrading
10 day MYW-Hopper with no expiration are $435 in advance. That's $80 MORE than the regular AP with DVC discount. The Premium AP is more at $462 (using for prices).

Plus, the AP expires, but your MYW tickets don't. If an AP makes sense for you now, buy it separately and keep the MYW for another trip. Otherwise I'd use the MYW tickets.
planning on changing my 10day non exp MYW hopping ticket to a DVC AP - whats the price difference I should expect?

The price difference will be based on how many days you have left on the pass. If it has never been used then you would get credit for what you paid and if it is more than the DVC AP you will get money back as Diane said.
no DH, DS & I all have brand new never before been used 10 day myw tickets - much better idea for them than for me
maybe i will turn it in, get the credit and of course i'll find a reason to use the credit! thanks didnt realize they would do that
You could upgrade and get money back!

Would you really get money back? I don't think Disney's tickets are refundable. I have the impression that this is a one way transaction. You can pay extra to upgrade something but I don't think they'll refund anything back if you want a less expensive ticket after purchasing a 10 day non-refundable.

Of course I could be wrong and I would gladly be corrected since I am in pretty much the exact same situation. I've got a 10 day non-expiring pass based on earlier plans, but now think that an AP would be better since we will likely do a second trip within the same year. I would like to trade in what I've got, but since I thought I would lose money in the transaction I wasn't going to bother.

Anyone with experience in this situation out there?
I've got a 10 day non-expiring pass based on earlier plans, but now think that an AP would be better since we will likely do a second trip within the same year. I would like to trade in what I've got, but since I thought I would lose money in the transaction I wasn't going to bother.

Anyone with experience in this situation out there?

The key here is your statement about earlier plans - I was told the only way to use credit from an earlier pass was if it was unused. I do not know if this is true with the MYW passes. I have some old park hopper plus passes that they will not let me upgrade so will just use the days left on them some time in the future. I have not had any personal experience with getting money or credit back but others have reported that happening. You might want to call the Disney ticket people before you go so that you will be prepared for whichever way it works these days.
Also if you bought them from a ticket broker that is the amount you will probably get not what the current gate price from Disney is.


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