Question for Earl



What is it exactly that determines how many coaster trains or ride vehicles get used at a specific time? Is it gate attendence, or a general forcast for the time of year or something else? A friend of mine from work and I were debating this and couldn't come to a final answer. Any help appreciated!

During the peak season, all of the ride vehicles are generally available, with some exceptions. There is an ongoing annual inspection process where every ride vehicle is dismantled to the bare frame, throughly inspected, hardware replaced an reassembled. It happens to every vehicle, even 80,000 lb. Kong trams are removed and processed.

The compliment of spares, which includes coaster cars, allows for much of this to go on year round. That's what goes on in most attactions, including Spiderman. In some cases, the process takes place only in the off season, depending on the attraction. This is an annual process that repeats every year.

On a day to day basis, or time of day basis, the number of vehicles on the ride is dependent on the guest load. Typically it peaks up mid-morning and tapers off as the afternoon goes on. When foul weather approaches, the number of ride vehicles is reduced on outdoor attractions to reduce the guest exposure to the bad weather and improve evacuation time if necessary.

I hope that answers the question.
Sometimes on DD they only run one train in the moring. I wish they could run atleast 2 trains so it is shorter for front row.
i have been at dragons on some sunday's where they have had two trains per rail running and some sunday's they only have one train per rail running and this is first thing in the morning each time. what kind of forecaster do they use?????:confused:
That covers more bases than I expected. Thanks a lot. There's a lot more to the decision than I thought.
To answer MIB's question, it's normally based on the actual load coming through the gate. Remember, you get counted everywhere you go, and they know how many tickets have been pre-sold for the day. They know how many cars are in the garages, how many are walking through the turnstiles, how many people are in area hotels, how many people are coming and going through the airport on any given day. How's that for a forecast model?
that's a lot of different factors, all with a lot of variables. but it is definately better than the old dart board. so they forecast and then adjust according to the actual gate. COOL. If i had just completed that statistics major at purdue i could have had that forecasting job. that would be really cool.:cool:


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