Rate This Ride....the Hulk


Aug 7, 2000
How do you all feel about the Hulk? Is it your favorite ride at IOA or one you skip due to long lines..let us know..we love to hear the varying opinions on each ride...

I have never been on Hulk, I cannot get on rides that go upside down, make me very sick...but DH says it is the best ride of its type he has been on ever...absolutely loved it!!!
I would say that the Hulk rates right up there on my "things not to miss" at IOA. Lines are long, the queue is fairly lame, but the coaster is incredible.
I try to hit the Hulk within the first hour of park opening or the last hour. Otherwise, I do the single rider lines. :)
I say a "10". Would be higher if I could just stay on repeatedly now & then.
I rode it with closed eyes and in near fetal positon, DH rode it three times with hands up. Differing opinions, but of course mine is more accurate. LOL
Hulk is my 2nd favorite, Spiderman is my 1st!
One of the most excellent rides in Orlando itself. I wouldn't miss this ride when I do go to IOA. Just love the rush it gives ya! :)
The best coaster I've ever ridden!! Smooth, not too long, not too short, PERFECT!

Please note that I've been a roller coaster fiend all my life and I was TEASED by the Hulk for two years before I could ride it. I promised my son when he was 6 that I would not ride it until he was tall enough to ride it with me.

Well, that happened in May of this year! We finally ran on and I will tell you, it was worth the wait! :bounce:
This is absolutely my favorite ride...well worth the long lines as far as I'm concerned.
jurassic park

i ride these every time i go. the rest are dependent on line length or single rider friendly:D


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