Roads at saratoga springs


Feb 22, 2013
I quite like the idea of SS being more of a large resort for walking around but are the paths and walking areas separate to the roads. How safe is it for children when you're walking around the resort. Are they able to run on ahead a little way or are there lots of roads and cars constantly around.
Also do you have a designated parking space for the villa you're in?
Thanks for any replies
The 18 buildings are arranged in groupings of 3-4. Main roads connect these groupings but there are plenty of smaller foot paths.

It really depends upon where you start and where you want to end up. Some of the paths run alongside the main roads. As long as the kids know to stay on the path and not wander into traffic, they should be fine.

Parking spaces are not assigned. Each building has an adjacent lot with plenty of capacity for guest vehicles.
At certain spots, the walking paths end at roads-for-cars...but mostly there are walking paths everywhere...I'd say among the safest of the Disney resort areas for walking around w/kids...

Also, the Treehouse Villas, as I recall, have assigned parking spots...but the villas at SSR "proper" do not...

Finally, there's a LOT of water at SSR...if your kids are prone to "careening" (I have a DGS who loves to "careen"), you might want to keep a sharp eye as it's easy to totter over into a pond of water in a number of the's also easy to avoid, mind you...I wouldn't call it a "danger" by any stretch of the imagination...but kids will be kids and some (like mine) will pay no attention to where they're going and could risk getting a dunking as a result...altho I've never seen it happen at SSR, we do spend some time yelling "freeze" at our daredevil 6-year-old!

SSR is one of our favorite places at Disney--hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Walking at SSR is like walking in a neighborhood. Sometimes there won't be any traffic and other times you will be walking right next to the roadway and be crossing intersections.


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