Runners UNITE! We've graduated C25K, so let's keep on going!

Corinna how did you all get on in your belt tests? Ok i don't know much about Kung Fu but purple belt sounds very impressive to me! Hope you knocked them out (oh not literally!).

You do sound really hectic at the moment- it's cool that your DH is in a play tho, maybe unfortunate timing. Great work signing up for a 5km too, races do wonders for motivation don't they.

Kim- how are you doing? Hope you're not still in pain :hug:
Well, we managed through the belt tests in spite of the fact that it was me and the two kids and no DH, as he was at rehearsal. I briefed the little one on how it was going to go and he knew that if he acted up during the test, he wouldn't be given the belt even though he passed - that's just the rules. But then I added on to that (and I'm not this mean a mom, usually, I swear) that he needed to sit and wait quietly while his brother and I tested as well, or I would take away his belt for I guess I didn't specify how long. Anyhow, he behaved very well, got his white belt and sat nicely through all kinds of other belt tests. He was very proud to have gotten scores of 8 and 8.5 from all the judges. You have to get a score of 7 (out of 10) and up from at least 7 of the 12 judges.

His brother also tested for his blue belt and did very well. Less of a big deal since he's taken lots of other belt tests before, but he's been waiting to get to the blue belt since we started since blue is his favorite color. Which seems less important now that he's 9 1/2 than it did when he was 7.

My test was OK - I went into it feeling a little shaky on the form, but felt good about the kicking requirement. Well, I had a little trouble on part of the form ad basically forgot one of the punches, but finished it up OK, and it didn't even seem to impact my scores, so go figure. The kicking went very well - I even got a couple of 9's on my kicks, which is pretty good! It was a double swing kick this time, which is easier, I thought than the kick we had to do last time - the scissors tornado kick, which is a lot of jumping. The double swing kick is spinning, but no jumping, which I appreciate. :) Oh, and they are non-contact tests - so no risk of knocking anyone out, unless you are standing to close to someone accidentally.

And that's my full Kung Fu Belt Test report. DH is due to test for his white belt on Saturday morning. The kids and I have a swimming lesson conflict, hence the different test days. I'm sure he'll do great, though. And I won't even threaten to take HIS belt away. :-)
Hey ladies....what's happened to us? :confused3 LTO, I'm sure.

I'm finally back (a little) in the game. I'm running one mile at a time to ease back into it (doctors orders). So far so good. Lots of extra streching.:thumbsup2

Hope you're all doing well!
I just had to post here, sinceI have been waiting 9 weeks to do so!! I graduated C25K as of 8:30am this morning! I am so excited to have completed the program! I have a 5k scheduled for mid July, and plan to just keep on trekking!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! As of 8.30am you are officially a member of this thread, whoop. Well done for all your hard work, I hope you're feeling very proud right now :thumbsup2


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