Safe for Americans?


DIS Veteran
Sep 23, 1999
My son is supposed to be an exchange student in Germany this summer. Afterwards we were going to meet him and travel to London and Ireland. In light of the terrorist attacks this week, we are thinking of canceling. My son is crushed. Is London safe? The US State Department issued a warning about traveling to Europe but has't said anything about the UK.
As has become evident over the last few months and years nowhere is really "safe" but the last attack in London was 7/7 - 11 years ago. Whether that makes London more or less likely to be targeted next week, next month or next year - who can tell. The number of deaths as a result of terrorist action in "Western" countries (i.e. those outside of conflict riven zones) is really tiny which is why they make such headline news.

I live on the outskirts of London and work in the city centre and it doesn't cross my mind at all on a daily basis - or at least no consciously. The most dangerous thing you are likely to encounter is looking the wrong way while crossing the road. It is becoming a cliche but by changing plans, cancelling things, isolating ourselves from the benefits of travel, of exploring new things and meeting new people we provide the very thing they are looking for - disruption.

I am not sure what reassurance can be gained from asking a group of strangers on a forum but the population of the UK has not retreated indoors bolting the doors and staying away from windows - millions live in London, many more travel in every day to work and we have to trust that those charged with our safety and security are doing their best.

Some will trot out statistics about gun crime in the US or road traffic accidents but none of those really give the full picture - all you can do is weigh up the pros and cons of what you can gain by travelling and broadening your experiences against staying within your favoured surroundings and decide for yourself. Living in fear doesn't feel much like living to me.

And look at the exact terms of the travel warning - is it "there are bad people out there who might do something stupid" or more "you are walking into a powderkeg, be ready for it to go off at any moment"?

One final thought - how would you have answered someone who asked you the same question about visiting the US after 9/11 or Boston?

Not sure if that has helped or not - but as I say only you know how you feel. And how your son feels.
The news reports do make me uneasy but I'm still travelling into central London and I'm off to Paris next week.

As the previous poster has said there are more dangers from traffic accidents than from terrorists but I do understand that people feel more vulnerable when they are staying in an unfamiliar place.

I'm sure the risks are no greater for Americans than any other nationality but only you can decide if you feel things are too risky for you.
@bunny please do not cancel your trip to Europe. I am Irish, I live in Dublin and I have lived in Germany and London. London, Germany and Ireland are just as safe as where you live, just as safe as going to Disneyland California, just as safe as going to New York, Chicago, Boston, or anywhere else.

Despite what people think, individual American tourists walking down the street are not specifically targeted. You could get run over crossing the street in London but then again the same thing could happen in your home town.

Gun laws in Europe are far far stricter than in America, so for example you wont get caught in a drive by shooting, people don't carry loaded guns on a day to day basis, you wont see guns being sold in supermarkets.

In Ireland you are even more safer, as we are a military neutral country and we are not an official member of NATO. We do not send troops to fight in wars ie Iraq or Afghanistan. Instead our armed forces work as peacekeeping troops with the UN.
I agree with the above posts. Don't cancel your plans. We flew to Paris the week after their terror attack in November, personally I was a little nervous which is perfectly natural. I remember my work colleagues practically begging me not to go but my response never changed. I could cancel my plans and not go, I could go somewhere else instead and get run over there. I can't see into the future nor can I pinpoint next the targets of terrorists. I'd be pretty annoyed with myself if I cancelled and nothing happened at all.

Visit London and Ireland and have a fantastic time :)
We're all still going to work in Central London!

There is a clear armed Police presence at transport hubs, which puts everyone at ease.

There are probably more fatal gun attacks in USA in one month than there is in western Europe each year.
Please don't cancel your trip! We're going to need as much tourist money as possible in case we leave the EU :rotfl2:

But seriously, in Germany, UK and Ireland you would just be one in roughly 60 million (uk pop) that would be classed as "infidels" and therefore as far as being a target you'd just have to join the club.

London, Ireland and Germany all have wonderful things to offer and it would be a real shame for you to miss out on them. Also by not visiting you're kinda letting the bad guys win (cue attempted guilt trip :-))
I know a bit about what you're feeling. We have a trip to Europe planned for the last 2 weeks in May. The recent attacks, and elevated threats have taken a bit of the sparkle off, but it won't stop us from going.


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