Saw Video Footage of Bobby This Morning!!


Proud Mom of a United States Marine
Feb 16, 2000
I was invited to the local television station this morning along with two wives because they had received video from Fred Dodd. The video was shot about a month ago....and there was my BABY BOY!!! He has hair now - as much hair as a Marine is allowed to have - but much more than the picture in my signature! ;)

As of today, we know that they are leaving Iraq tomorrow and moving back to Camp Coyote in Kuwait.

...and we found out that 10 of our Marines will have to remain behind in Kuwait a little longer than the others to clean and load equipment onto the ships. The company is looking for volunteers, but does not have enough a few may have to be "drafted". Single Marines will be the first selected....which most likely will include Bobby. :(

I know I can vent to you guys, and I don't mean to sound selfish...but I really want him and ALL OF THEM to return as one unit - not 10 guys coming in a week later. The city is planning a HUGE welcome - police escort from the airport, the streets lined with residents and American flags, and their anxious families waiting at the Reserve Center. The 100+ guys who come home first will get the great welcome, and then the 10 or so guys who come home a week fanfare. I would feel the same way whether or not it was my son, or my husband. They ALL deserve the same... after so long away from home.'s hoping he'll be home in another month or so!!!! :Pinkbounc
I sure hope there is a way they can all get home together. You are an amazing person, Patty!
Ditto! I too hope they will all be able to come home together. How fantastic that you got to see video of Bobby! :)
{{{HUGS}}} Patty - I know how sad it would make you to have him come home last. I'd rather see them all stay an extra day or two and get the work done and then have the joy of them coming home together.

Glad you got to see some video today.

Here's hoping you get to see him in person very, very soon!

PS - you can vent at us any time. That's why we are you. You have been amazing through all of this!
I am going to pray with all might that they come home as one unit, or that he doesn't get drafted. They may get volunteers too. Bill's unit did get some volunteers, and then they took the people who had been to Kuwait the least number of times. I got lucky because it was his 5th time.

I am so happy that they are headed back to Kuwait. One step towards home.



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