Scott Saved the Day (Magic Shore Excusion)


Earning My Ears
May 3, 2003
We are just back from a wonderful Western cruise. I have to again thank a CM who really went above and beyond.

Much planning went into our cruise, and our day in Grand Cayman was our 'big excursion day.' Stingrays in the morning, sub in the afternoon. Waited in the meeting room on the boat, crammed on the crowded tender, waiting in line on dock, only to be told the DCL stingray excursion was cancelled -- too windy.

I was so sad, and then things got worse. We had not brought enough $$$ to really do anything else at all. And after a few minutes, we discovered that other tour operators had resumed planning for stingray city tours. Crestfallen, we were left to line up and wait for the next tender back to the ship.

I saw Scott and just had to let someone know how upset I was. So I ranted a little about not being told back on the ship that the tour was cancelled, or at least iffy. Scott tried to placate me, and suggested other options. I told him we hadn't brought enough cash, and would have to go back. I was teary and sad. He said this had not happened in a year and a half -- getting cancelled once we got there. I walked away saying 'I guess we just got lucky...'

As the next tender came unloading happy travelers, Scott approached with a plan -- he could get us on the tour/stingray city excursion at 10:45. We wouldn't have time to go back to the boat, and we would need to eat first. We'd also have to give up the Atlantis tour. He assured us we would be refunded for the missed tours, and only charged for the new excursion. He then gave us some cash to buy lunch.

What a recovery -- we went to a restaurant on the coast, and did some nice snorkeling. Then went on the tour which we enjoyed. And though things were quite rough at stingray city, it was still an unforgettable experience for all of us -- me, dh, dd(8), ds(7) and ds(5).

I discovered later the cash had come out of Scott's own pocket (we made sure we got it back to him). At the end of the cruise, the bill was perfectly correct - refunds for the two missed tours, and just charged for what we did.

Scott went above and beyond -- finding alternatives and giving his money to a guest who was ranting at him! We had an amazing cruise in many ways, and many CMs are to be thanked. But Scott took us from heartbroken and dejected to an enjoyable special day that was just a little different than planned. Wow!
I hope you write a glowing letter about him and send it to Michael Eisner in Burbank. When you send a letter to the top guy everyone, all the upper management team, sees it on its way down to the emplyee's manager. Great way to get Scott's name known when it comes time for promotions. He really went beyond exceptional service he actually inconvienced himself to make your famil's day more enjoyable. He also could be trusted to make good his word that the tours would be removed from your bill.

CHEERS TO SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael Eisner's address is listed on the News and Rumors Board.
Sounds like a wonderful experience. I wored for another cruise line and remember one time when it was too windy and all the Stingray City excursions got cancelled. It's such a bummer since that is a highlight for many people. I'm so glad you got to experience it.

TJ Munk


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