Secrets of the third attraction revealed

Sequel being key it has to be out now. We know it's going to be at IOA, now we know only Marvel Super Hero Island and Jurassic Park are based on films.

And we know it's going to be at IOA why? :confused: If you read the whole thread, Earl specifically says that there will be 3 upcoming attractions at USF: Jimmy Neutron, Shrek and the Kong replacement.

While JP4 might make sense, the idea has been squashed by has the Fast and the Furious. And I'm afraid Earl would know...he doesn't need to speculate. ;)

So while it might make sense,'s apparently NOT going to be in 2004...

Karen :smooth:
Well the key to remember is 2004 will be the year the Ride and The Sequel are released.

The attraction that they're talking about here is Kongs replacement...and I think a Scorpion king theme has already been squashed as well. So I think we're looking at 2004. I believe it's set to be announced sometime in Spring of '03, so we have to keep guessing! :)

I was asking why you're saying it has to be in IOA, since Earl has already said it will be USF. They might open something else in '03, that hasn't been announced, I suppose, but I wouldn't imagine it would be a major attraction, I doubt USE is going to get 4 within the next 2 years.

Cripes...!!! Mike do you read anything before you post? Did you even read the Interview? Where do you see that three attractions are going to open in 2003?

Q: Your creative people are considering whether to change the theme of the Konfrontation ride, and you plan to open new attractions next spring to replace the Fantastic World of Hanna-Barbera and Alfred Hitchcock attractions. What's going on?

A: Universal Studios Florida is 12 years old so we're relaunching the park with enhancements we think are more relevant to today's audiences. Hitchcock was a strong product. But (the movie) Shrek was huge. So we struck a deal with SKG Dreamworks to make a 3-D film for us that continues the story. Our Shrek will be like our Terminator 2 3-D ride on steroids. It'll be shot in what we call "Ogrevision" and will have live special effects such as mists and smoke and seats that move and do other tricks to the audience.
Q: You're planning a third new attraction for 2004, but even your top creative experts have zipped lips about it. Do you?

A: We think we'll get a green light within a month for a new blockbuster attraction. It will be on the state-of-the-art level of our Spiderman ride. It'll be a thrill ride based on new technology and a completely different type of experience than Spider-Man. It'll be based on a movie you've seen before. There may be a sequel to that film franchise come out the year we open the ride.
...and He calls me at home and tells me that ....

Wait there is not proof of that either.

How convenient is it that you now are talking about a news interview, which is unquotable? When everyone else in this thread was talking about a newspaper article with a link. Where was that vauable piece of the puzzle ealrier ? I'm going to call "shenanigans" on your news interview until somebody with a little more credibility around here backs that up.
> Although it has been rumored that Fast and The Furious would be taking over BTTF in late 2003

Please NO. Doesn't this sound like a good ol' idea? Replace an excellent ride based on a classic and reveared film trilogy with a ride based on one of the biggest piles of trash released last year? By all means refurb BTTF, but stop replacing rides with the latest throw-a-way hit. I'd shed a tear just loosing the quite brilliant pre-show with Doc and Biff :(
Originally posted by Earl
No ... but which 'no'?

Earl, this is just a silly question so hope you don't mind - you've given firm answers to say what the attraction WON'T be, but how would you react if someone made a lucky guess that was very close to the proposed Kong replacement? Would you say "yes, have a cigar" (thus giving the game away) or would you offer a tactful "no comment"?


I decided to go through the whole internet movie database for releases in 2003 & 2004 and compiled the following list of possibilities, given by the impression that the ride will be opened to coincide with a sequel . Remember, these are purely just possibilities, not actual 100% ideas (i'm not sure about what Universal can get their hands on, film rights etc):

Matrix 2 & 3
Fast & the furious 2
Resident Evil 2
Tomb Raider 2
Terminator 3
X-men 2
Harry Potter 2 or 3
Scooby Doo 2
Mission Impossible 3

Thats all I could pull out of the database, from a selection of 800 movies expected to be released in 03/04 :)

It's also worth thinking about the recent shake-up at Vivendi Universal and how that might have changed plans for further attractions.
Universal has several "Theme park rights" to movies made by different companies ... so there is no need to remove any from the list even if they aren't owned by Universal directly.
Yeah, but the fact stands that the two matrix sequels are warner bros films, which in turn could mean rides for the six flags parks just like Batman & Superman, what a shame.

Also, a tomb raider attraction has already been built at Paramount's Kings Island.

Then of course you have the fact that Scooby Doo is another franchise at Six Flags/WBMW Parks which has led to shoot-em-up haunted house attractions to be built.
I do read but apparently you don't read what you post.

All you need to do now is remove the ones that have nothing to do with Universal Studios.

I was replying to the "logic" of this statement.
Those films listed aren't the only sequels coming out in 2004. The Chronicles of Riddick is one possibility, but then again I don't see how that would lend itself to the whole New York theme. There is American Pie 3, but honestly can anybody see that as a ride? Fast and the Furious 2 is one possibility, but I think Earl already said no to that one. It could be The Martix 2 and 3, I know they are coming out in 2003, but it is still a possibility. However, I think a Matrix themed ride is just wishful thinking. I still think a Mummy themed ride is the best bet. It is the one of the biggest Universal properties, and it would lend itself perfectly to a ride. We will all find out soon enough what the ride really is, so lets just keep this speculation friendly for now. No need to chime in and tell somebody why their guess is wrong, because nobody on here knows any more about the ride than anybody else . . . except Earl ;)
Mike your not getting what I'm saying. I'm simply saying that just because they are not owned by Universal that is not the reason to remove them from possible attractions there may be other reasons as you have pointed out and others have mentioined on the other 8 pages of this thread go back and read you have covered alot of them again. In your first statment you wanted to remove them just because Universal did not own them. Again I'm simply saying this would not keep them from developing a ride based on those films.
You mean like that "Twister" that touched down in New York" last year? Again go back a few pages..its been coverd.

Again..the mummy has been covered.

X-men has been covered.

Earl would know and he already knows what the new attraction is. Thats not his real name you know.

"Name droping" like you know these people perosnally only proves how little you know. Everytime you post it shows how little you really do know. Just because you go to "Hardees" everyday of you "life" does not mean you know everything about Hardees and the upcoming products or management of the corperation.
Well. What to say ?

Don't say Earl doesn't know what he is saying !:mad:
Earl, who, by the way didn't say anything for the last month, is an very very hign employee. That is what I belive. We can happy we have some Universal employees posting here. I personally belive Earl is somewhere in managment level or somewhere where he has to know almost everything. We could ask those, who met him in person. But hey, that musnt be anyones aim. If anyone of us identified Earl,would be be bad for him.

Hope you got what I wanted to tell you !

NOW a very serious question:
"WHERE IS EARL???" I really miss him. He even shut his pm box out. Barry, anyone, whats going on?

What can I say...thank you for that...

I won't speak for Earl, but it is VERY crazy right now, and he might just be really busy.
Mike, how right you probably are!
Earl knows a lot or shall I say everything ?:rolleyes:
He is the man! Everyone who knows him a very little bit knows what I mean. He is in that buisiness for a really long time. He knows what he's doing. I really think he knows "the secret". So what ? I don't start bombing him with questions. I guess some of us should have realized what this causes. Remember the Jim Hill Thread.

So Mike, you are right in this point. Earl knows but he won't say. Why ? Thats easy. He loves his work and the company he works for. He protects the company. He loves his and his co-workers jobs and doesn't want to destroy other people's AND HIS hard work. But now, let's stop discuss about someone who is not here!:D

Hopíng to see Earl again soon

@Notatourist. I hope you know I didn't mean you. And thanks for your comment. You are alway welcome:D !


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