September 11th effects HHN

That's IT!!!

One of my MAIN reasons for wanting to FLY down to Orlando is to go to HHN. We went last year and had the time of our lives!! Our only mistake was going on our first night of our week vacation... Because nothing else quite compared...

Why would we want to do this again now?? We love the gore (meaning well-done stage makeup), the terror (meaning well-timed acting on the part of the Scare-actors, teamed with professional state-of-the art eery lighting and spooky sound effects), the whole experience (love the smell of those dry-ice machines) and the absolute stress release of being with thousands of other thrill-seeking, special effects loving crazies such as yourself running through a park screaming and laughing.

...And especially after what happened this month... This is a much needed catharsis!!

This event is NOT for small children, it's not meant to be. It's not until a certain age that they can move away from concrete thinking and to differentiate completely between fantasy and reality. But... ADULTS CAN! Most of them anyway... And as for being overly P.C. in the aftermath of what happened... I wish Universal Studios wouldn't insult my intelligence like that.

Halloween is my absolute favorite time of the year... The one day you can be anyone or anything you want to be, knock on strangers' doors, demand candy, and GET it! Lil' ones can suddenly and wildly empower themselves and be "Scary!"... Evidenced by how incredibly proud your lil' Dracula becomes when you tell him how "Scary!" he looks...

My point is... Adults need this empowerment too! Right now, I WANT to be startled and shocked by something I know is NOT real. The only thing that would be better than that, in my opinion, would be to BE a Scare-Actor.

My advice would have been to KEEP the marketing lingo and to put up WARNINGS, that this event could be emotionally disturbing to some... Don't they realize that if they tame the wording, folks will think this is a suitable event to bring their toddlers to?

(Last year, I DID see a few people bring small children to this event... And honestly, I was more bothered by THAT than any latex-and-goo draped, pan-makeup smeared, frothing-growling-maniacally-grinning ghoul in the park)

Okay, I'm done now... We're still going, by the way... So there!
Very well written post and I agree completely. If Universal has simply changed some names and advertising, fine, I can understand that. However if they have toned down the event, I and many others will be very dissapointed!

I remember a night last year when a nice couple brought there little tike in a stroller and decided to roll him into my domain Apocholips Island. They were the first people to go through my scare zone, and the little kid was so scared he was crying in pure terror. Well they turned that stroller right around and went to the guest services and demanded a refund. Little advice, Dont bring little kids because me and my ghoul brothers of the night will feast on there Nightmares for many Nights to come.
I agree with everything being posted, but does anyone have any truthfull info about the censoring. I know the names have been changed but can anyone confirm that, that is it?:confused:
Besides the name changes, the only major thing is the removal of most blood and body parts. The blood will be replaced with pus and ooze. And not all bodies are gone.. there are several skeletons/corpses in the Mummy maze and hanging body bags in Run.

It's really not THAT big of a deal... after seeing Run and the Mummy maze tonight... lack of blood will be the least of your worries.
Well that sounds alright, so is all of the blood/gore going to be gone? What about the scareactors roaming the streets (the blood was a really good effect). Will the chainsaw guys still be incorporated, like they are every year? Also another question, where is "RUN" going to be located, originally I thought it would be in the kong streets. Does anybody know what will happen next year, will things return to normal, I would think so. And one last question, why havent any of the rides been haunted, it sounded like a progressing experience that could of gotten better with time. I really feel that they should haunt MIB with scaractors, that would be something to see.:bounce:


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