Sound machine?


May 26, 2001
Can you still buy sound machines? (I think that is what you call them) I sleep with a loud fan at home (my husband BREATHS really loud) so I know if I don't have some kind of "noise" in the back ground while at Disney World, I will get NO sleep. Unfortunately, my fan won't fit in the suitcase (and believe me, I tried).

If they still sell them, do you know where I can get one?

I purchased one at Sears a few years ago. I use it every night. It was around $50.00 I also saw one in the SkyMall magazine they offer on the airplaine.

I bought one from Wal-Mart about a year ago. It has about 5 different sounds. We use it everynight, so i will be taking mine too, I dont know if i could sleep without it now.

:jester: poohangel
I bought one at Babies R Us for, I think, $19.99. It has about five or six different sounds, we use the white noise for the baby. It also has a shut off timer if you don't want it to run all night.
You might try just using teh clock radio in the room - tune the radio to a non-station (where there is only static); you listen to teh static, which may be similar enough for you to get to sleep.

You can try it at home before you leave to see if this will work for you. Might help keep you from having to carry something from home!
I have a travel size soundmachine that is also a clock/radio has about 10 different sounds or you can combine any two that you like. I found it at Wal-Mart on sale for $15.00 and it has been to WDW 3 times now- I'm one of the people that can't sleep in a silent room and my bf can't sleep w/ the TV on so it is great! When you're shoppning be sure to check all the clearance areas if you're at somewhere like Target or Wal-Mart as they may have something on clearance simply b/c of the package it is in even if they have an identical item for full price but ina different package. That is how I found mine for 15 instead of 40!
Target has them for $17. They're in the aisle with the other "spa" stuff, near the hair dryers and stuff like that. Everyone in our family sleeps with one now, and it's really great on trips because it instantly feels like "home." It also cues our DS that it's time for sleep.

We bought one of the expensive ones from the mall (Breakstone) and it didn't work right-- our cheapie from Target has done great for several years!!


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