Stubborn men


<font color=green>And how are YOU feeling?<br><fon
Sep 22, 2000
My dad stopped taking his chol. med after reading about the muscle pains it can was 360 yesterday!!!!!! And the one that is supposed to be under a 100 was 290!!! Dr. told him "You could have a heart attack right now" and told him he MUST MUST take it....he has done this in the past too. I said "Muscle aches are better than a heart attack"...I know some can cause serious side effects but the dr. monitors him. He has to take this stuff. He already has a stent in keeping an artery open.
So he stopped taking the medicine that can help him not have a heart attack, just because he read that he may have a few sore muscles????
LOL, and it's not like you can spank his behind and send him to his room for it either. :rolleyes:
Groosch...this is NOT good.....can you convince him that if he won't take his med's for himself....he should do it for those around him that love him? you, wife, grandkids, friends ect.??

I hope so!
My boss' husband has had cardiac problems for quite a few years. He had a stent put in a few years back. One day he decided he wasn't going to take any of his meds anymore. A while after that he had a stroke. You can bet he takes his meds now!
Originally posted by Serena
So he stopped taking the medicine that can help him not have a heart attack, just because he read that he may have a few sore muscles????
I've heard there's more to those sore muscles. You need to tell your doctor if you have that. I have a friend working for a doctor who says she wouldn't take Lipitor if it were the last drug on earth.


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